Rhetorical Devices Brought to you by yours truly: Mrs. Audrey Raulerson
What is Annotation? An annotation is a note added to a text, book, or drawing as a comment or an explanation. Writing notes and asking questions in the margins or a text. A well annotated text will have: State the thoughts of the audience Show clearly where important evidence is held Find a common argument/idea List the main ideas Note all Vocabulary Words
Examples using Annotation…
What is Conceit? Conceit is figure of speech where two polar opposite objects are compared using similes and metaphors. In other words conceit can be described by using imagery and common knowledge to compare objects to one another. Most conceits tend to be surprising.
Examples of Conceit… “Love is like an oil change.” “The broken heart is a damaged china pot.” “My life is like a free online game, people seem to be playing with it.”
What is an Adage? An adage is a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth. An old saying, which has become well known over time. Adages are regularly confused with aphorisms. An aphorism as Devyn stated last week is a brief original statement or phrase showing a concept or thought. Examples of Aphorism: A bad penny always turns up. A barking dog never bites. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Examples of Adages… A penny saved is a penny earned. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Eat to live, and not live to eat. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Fish and visitors stink after three days.
Which is a Conceit and which is a Adage? 1.God helps them that help themselves. 2.Marriage is like getting a root canal. 3.Childbirth is like having a nail driven through your foot. 4.Well done is better than well said.
Citations "Examples of Adage in Literature." YourDictionary. 10 June Web. 1 Sept Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com, 6 Nov Web. 1 Sept "Adage vs Aphorism - What's the Difference?" Adage vs Aphorism. 17 Apr Web. 1 Sept Sept Web. 1 Sept Oct Web. 1 Sept "HUNTER COLLEGE READING/WRITING CENTER THE WRITING PROCESS Invention: Annotating a Text." 9 Aug Web. 9 Sept "Annotation Examples." YourDictionary. 25 Apr Web. 1 Sept "Conceit Examples." Conceit Examples. 3 Dec Web. 1 Sept "How to Annotate a Text." YouTube. YouTube, 14 Jan Web. 1 Sept "What Is the Difference between a Proverb, an Adage and an Aphorism?" Meaning. 16 Mar Web. 1 Sept