The Russian Federation Citizens, Society and the State By: Becky Thomas, Period 7
The Flag
Statistics Population density in 2011:8.4 / km 2 Capital city and its population in 2011: Moscow 11,621,000 Surface Area: 17,098,240 km 2 Population in 2011:142,836,000 Currency: Russian Ruble (RUB)
More Statistics Urban vs. Rural o 73.2% Urban -102,701,802 o 26.8% Rural -37,664,759 In the US, o 82.3% Urban - 261,375,057 o 17.7% Rural - 56,266,030
Where is Russia?
Russian Terrain
Russian Temperature & Rainfall
83 Regions
Russian Federation (83) Oblasts (46) Republics (21) Krais (9) Autonomous Okrugs (4) Federal Cities (2) Jewish Autonomous Oblast (1)
Major Cities Moscow – 11,621,000 Saint Petersburg – 5,028,000
Moscow: Red Square
Former Imperial Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg
Population Pyramid
Gender Disparity 86.0 Males per 100 Females Life expectancy at birth o Females – 75.0 Years o Males – 63.3 Years Intentional homicides o Females 8.7 per 100,000 o Males 29.1 per 100,000 US Comparison o 97.6 males per 100 females o Females years, Males years o Females 1.9 / 100,000, Males 6.6 per 100,000
Ethnicities Russians– 82.3% (Русские) Tatars– 4.3% (Татары) Ukrainians– 1.4%(Украинцы) Chuvash– 1% (Чуваши) Bashkirs- <1% (Башкиры) Armenians- <1% (Армяне) Avars- <1% (Аварцы) Mordvins- <1% (Мордвины) Germans- <1% (Немцы) Jews- <1% (Евреи) Kazakhs- <1% (Казахи) Belarusians- <1%(Белорусы)
Russians – 82.3%
Tatars – 4.3%
Chuvash – 1%
Religion Orthodox Church (Belonging to) – 41% Believe without Religion – 25% Atheists – 13% Muslims (neither Sunni nor Shia) – 4.7% Other Christians – 4.1% Sunni Muslims – 1.7% Orthodox Church (Not Belonging to) – 1.5%
St Isaac’s Cathedral in St Petersburg
Belonging to the Orthodox Church
Muslims (neither Sunni nor Shia)
Concrete prayer: Russian Muslims celebrate Eid ul-Fitr 30 August, :08 PM | Photo by Ilya Varlamov
Muslims in Russia Estimated 2010 Population - 16,379,000 Percentage Muslim in Russia in % population-graphic/#/Russia population-graphic/#/Russia 21 st largest Muslim Population by country 1% of World Muslim Population
Traditions, Superstitions, Jokes “If you wear clothes (such as an undershirt) inside out, you will get beaten. Your friend should point this out, wait for you to fix the clothes and then punch you symbolically.”
Saint Peter and Paul Cathedral
Wealth Gap US GINI coefficient is 41 Russia GINI coefficient is 40 UK GINI coefficient is 36 Fourth 20% - 21% Highest 10% - 32% Highest 20% - 47% Lowest 10% - 3% Lowest 20% - 6% Second 20% - 10% Third 20% - 15%
Income Distribution % Below the Poverty Line 40% as of % as of % as of 2011
Classes Westernizer vs. Russian (“Slavophile”) Soviet Attempts to abolish Class o No longer noble/peasant o Communist Party members vs. non-members Nomenklatura Communist Party has support o “the good old days”
Political Participation and Social Capital 65.27% Voter Turnout in 2012 Presidential Election USA Turnout in 2012 : 58.2% Under Soviet Rule, 100% Voter Turnout Not Fair Elections Social Capital - Low o Apathetic, Futile, Knowledgeable o Strong Mistrust of Government
Civil Society Political Parties o United Russia o Communist Party of the Russian Federation o Political Party LDPR o A Just Russia ~1% Report Belonging to a Political Party Interest Groups o State corporatist o Glasnost
Civil Society, Class, and Media
Love of Russia!
Quiz Time! Russia Russia nations_border_Russia nations_border_Russia