CASE providing support in LLEP area. 3 Objectives from Big Lottery; Awareness Administrative support Register when/if interested Consortia building Contact point Programme Development Funding
Commissioning Priorities (TO9) TitleType of Activity Young person social inclusion (£2m) NEET engagement and support – extension of good practice from current Talent Match programme – not limited to geographical areas and new ideas to match needs of target groups in local areas. Social inclusion (£10m) Holistic programme to address social inclusion. Extensive community engagement Innovation and new approaches to joining up services Early intervention Rural inclusion (£4m) Support to overcome transport issues as barriers Rural outreach services – including volunteering and work experience
Commissioning Priorities (TO9) TitleType of Activity Financial and digital inclusion (£1m) Develop financial capabilities Enhance digital inclusion Partnership approach Employment entry support for Troubled Families (£4m) Additional support to help individual family members at the appropriate time to move towards employment.
Interim Guidance Notes Awaiting Full Programme Guidance Conversation LLEP & Big Lottery in finalising detail of project outlines. Aim still June 8 th – no guarantees ! LEPs might wish to highlight subgroups as a priority in the project outline for their area. Big Lottery has used an average cost per participant approach however this programme is NOT paid on a payments by results basis. Bidders will need to decide how best to allocate resources across the area and among participant groups.
Interim Guidance Notes Eligible Participants People who are “economically inactive” and people who are “unemployed” Big Lottery will expect to see a certain number who are: Over 50 From black and ethnic minority communities Have disabilities Are women Young people aged 16 and over if NEET, 15 if at danger NEET
Interim Guidance Notes Not eligible include: Young people 14 and under People who are employed ( except working up to 16 hours and claiming unemployed benefits.) Offenders currently in custody NB: The only type of activity involving credit unions is activity to help unemployed or economically inactive move towards employment or learning. Staff must exclusively do non –core (“banking”) work.