NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. ADVANCED ACADEMICS PARENT INFORMATION MEETING RHSNovember 18, 2015 HHSDecember 1, 2015 BHSDecember 15, 2015
What is Advanced Academics? Mission Birdville ISD offers an advanced and challenging curriculum through an array of learning experiences that provide greater depth and complexity than found in the district’s core curriculum. As students progress through school, BISD offers opportunities for students to produce sophisticated, meaningful products in preparation for success in endeavors beyond the BISD classroom. Program Elements: Pre-Advanced Placement courses Advanced Placement courses Dual Credit courses Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Program Advanced Career and Technology courses Project Lead the Way College Entrance Exam Preparation Credit by Exam administration
What is Pre-Advanced Placement? Pre-AP is based on these premises: All students can perform well at rigorous academic levels We can prepare every student for higher intellectual engagement by starting the development of skills and acquisition of knowledge as early as possible Thinking skills are aligned to AP thinking skills to help prepare a pathway for advanced academics options in subsequent courses Grades are weighted differently than on-level courses for class ranking purposes (Multiplied by 1.10) Goal: Gifted and Talented students should be placed in clusters of at least five GT students when possible.
How are AP and Dual Credit Classes Similar or Different? Advanced Placement Dual Credit Content is rigorous, fast-paced and requires extensive reading and writing Earns college credit in Texas Public Universities/Colleges (Check with private or out-of-state institutions for credit transfer possibility) With a score of 3+ on the AP exam; Varies by institution With successful completion of the course Learning experience equivalent to most introductory college courses EnrollmentOpen to allRequired TSI or equivalent STAAR scores Extensive independent work; includes reading from genres that are at a college level, sophisticated writing assignments, and projects/labs with complex problem- solving InstructorsBISD teachersBISD teachers or adjunct professors
How are AP and Dual Credit Classes Similar or Different? Advanced PlacementDual Credit LocationBISD CampusesBISD Campuses or Dual Credit Partner Institutions Expense paid by studentFee for AP ExamTuition and Books ScheduleBISD CalendarPartner Institution Calendar Grading policy and required number of assignments BISD PolicyPartner Institution Policy Course offeringsAcademic Core Subjects Academic Core Subjects and CTE courses Registration proceduresBISD RegistrationRegistration and enrollment timeline set by partner institutions Advanced weighted creditMultiplied by 1.15Multiplied by 1.10 Prepares students for college and is an avenue for GT services
College Entrance Exams
PSAT / NMSQT: Practice for SAT and Qualifying Test for National Merit in the 11 th grade FormatDescription Test time2 hours and 45 minutes ComponentsEvidence-Based Reading and Writing Math Important FeaturesFocus on the knowledge, skills, and understandings that research has identified as most important for college and career readiness and success Greater emphasis on the meaning of words in extended contexts and on how word choice shapes meaning, tone, and impact Rights-only scoring (no penalty for guessing)
New ACT vs. New SAT: How do They Compare?
College Entrance Exam Information: PSAT, SAT, ACT or TSI Extended information available on the BISD Advance Academics Website RHS Counselor’s Webpage HHS Counselor’s Webpage BHS Counselor’s Webpage
GT Identification Process Referral Parents, Students, Faculty, or community members may nominate Forms available online Testing Matrix Text Battery: CogAT Scantron Performance Test Tests of Creative Thinking Teacher Referral (SIGS) STAAR Scores Placement Decisions made by GATE committee” campus admin, Academic Dean/coach, counselor Parents give permission for services Appeals process available Transfer students considered within 30 days
Advanced Academics Student and Teacher Panel Questions for the Panel: What are the advantages in taking Advanced Academics courses? What time commitment is involved in taking Advanced Academics courses? How does involvement in fine arts, CTE, or extra-curricular activities impact time? What challenges exist for Advanced Academic students? How many Advanced Academics courses should you take? Give an example of a typical assignment or expectation What support is available for Advanced Academics students?