Office of Digital Learning Professional Development August 19, 2015 Created by Nicole Cathirell
Quickwrite: (3min.) What do you know about AVID? How has AVID supported your school and its students? Pair share (1min) Share Whole Group (1min)
W-Writing I-Inquiry C-Collaboration O-Organization R-Reading
Using poster paper, group members will silently write or draw ways the LMC and/or Media Specialist can support each pillar of WICOR. Members can comment on an idea that’s posted or write a new idea! Groups will rotate when the music stops playing. Take your marker with you to the next poster.
Incorporate Quickwrites into your LMC lessons. Post the Writing Process in your LMC. Offer to review/edit college admissions essays. Provide resources on tips for becoming a better writer. Teach a writers workshop during lunch or after school.
Maker Spaces (lunch, afterschool, or club?) Socratic Seminar ( lunches/club) Costa’s Level of Questioning Word Wall SAT word wall
Maker Spaces AVID Tutorial ◦ Host tutorials in your LMC; have tables set up with white boards. Have tutorial supplies ready such as tutorial request forms, calculators, textbooks, and the tutorial method poster.
AVID essentials space such as Cornell Note sheets, TRFs, Learning Logs, Socratic Seminar Articles, or any documenst/supplies that are pertininet to your school’s AVID program. Binder Check Station (Binder ER) ◦ This space may have hole punchers, paper reinforcers, dividers, pencil sharpeners.
Post suggested book readings for… Literary experience SAT/ACT practice Study tips Organization tips Test-taking tips
Hang up college pennants in your library…as many as you can get! Display college pamphlets or brochures. Post deadlines for SAT, FAFSA, FASTWeb College Speed Dating Lesson plan (forthcoming) Under: College readiness products $15.99
Mentoring a struggling AVID student. Co-teaching with an AVID Elective teacher. Joining the AVID Site Team.
1. Write yourself a pick me up note, reminding you how energized you feel about implementing AVID in your LMC. Remind yourself what it is you wanted to implement and how is it going? 2. Place your letter in the envelop and put your First and Last Name on it and your school name. Mrs. Cathirell will mail them to you