R EACH H IGHER College and Career Readiness Resources Granite School District Salt Lake City, UT Judy Petersen Kaye Poulton-Timm
R EACH H IGHER Granite School District Style
Discover how to align your school counseling program with college and career readiness activities and initiatives that promote equity and access for all students. Leave with knowledge, skills, materials and resources to help your school/district school counseling program R EACH H IGHER.
R EACH H IGHER Granite School District Style Demographics: 68,000 Students (K-12) 47% Diverse ethnicity 56% FARM 71% Graduation rate 44% College enrollment fall semester after HS graduation 109 Languages spoken 90 Schools
R EACH H IGHER Granite School District Style District’s Charge and Responsibility Students will leave Granite School District prepared for college, career and life in the 21 st century world. CCR Department K-12 Counseling Program (25+ years) Secondary counselor ratio 1:389 Elementary counselor/social worker ratio 1:1000 CCR Outreach AVID, Latinos in Action, College Application Week, FAFSA Completion, Summer Nudge Elementary Counseling Grant Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports School Climate Grant Graduation Initiative, Freshmen Academy
A school counselor’s work is organized as a program of services for all students: Aligned with the Superintendent’s vision, mission and charge and responsibility Based on a holistic approach that emphasizes academic, career, and personal social development Provides the means and a common language across all schools ensuring all students benefit from activities and services Delivered through the individual CCR planning process and guidance curriculum Attentive to the Eight Components of College and Career Readiness Responsive to individual student needs R EACH H IGHER Granite School District Style
College and Career Readiness Initiatives and Activities Commit to Graduate College Application Week FAFSA Completion College Access Advisors College and Career Counseling Initiative Local College Access Network (L-CAN) Outreach Nights, Summer Nudge, Regents’ Letters Tier 2 Interventions – AVID, LIA, Freshmen Academy R EACH H IGHER Granite School District Style
Resources, Materials and Supports Full year program planning calendar and planning guide Student tools and resources Professional development Partnerships and collaborative connections Communication strategies and social media Data for equity Policy and practice R EACH H IGHER Granite School District Style
Data for Access Graduation Rate66%69%70% AP Exams AP Exams % Passed67%69%65% Concurrent Enrollment Utah Scholars (8 th grade) Registrants Regents’ Scholarship Awards FAFSA CompletionNA41%*36% College Enrollment Fall Semester after HS Grad 51% *45%*44% * Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Change in mission eligibility age
CCR-Planning Process (Individual Meetings – All Students) Developmental and Sequential 7 th Grade - EXPLORE College Aspirations Academic Planning for CCR College and Career Awareness Course (CTE) 8 th Grade - EXPAND College Aspirations Academic Planning for CCR Explore Assessment 9 th Grade - PLAN College Aspirations Academic Planning for CCR Enrichment and Extracurricular Engagement College and Career Exploration Freshmen Academy 10 th Grade - SET GOALS Academic Planning for CCR Enrichment and Extracurricular Engagement College and Career Exploration Plan Assessment 11 th Grade - DECIDE College and Career Assessments ACT for all 11 th Grade ASVAB for all 11 th Grade College Affordability Planning 12 th Grade - APPLY College and Career Admissions Process College Application Week Financial Aid Nights FAFSA Completion Events Transition from High School to College Enrollment R EACH H IGHER Granite School District Style
By school year, Granite School District’s school counseling program will emerge as a leader among school districts across the country with: Stronger strategic program structure aligned with district goals Capacity to address and eliminate equity barriers that impede student success Greater accountability for results to monitor progress and set targeted goals for improvement K-12 implementation (developmental and sequential) Viable component of the education of all students Metric2016 Graduation Rate80% AP Exams Taken4500 AP Exams % Passed70% Utah Scholars (8 th grade)4000 Regents’ Scholarship400 FAFSA Completion50% College Enrollment66% R EACH H IGHER Granite School District Style
Assess data for equity and access Increase all metrics and look deeply at students behinds the numbers Move program goals forward Increase awareness of options and opportunities
R EACH H IGHER Granite School District Style From Reach Higher to Beat the Odds possibility It’s out there! Are you ready?