FARIBAULT MIDDLE SCHOOLS PROGRAM Curriculum Edgenuity Other resources Student Selection Class size Tier 2 Tier 3 Students entering/exiting the course
EDGENUITY How edgenuity works iPads, chrome books, computers… How students are placed NWEA score or manually place the student in a selected course.
EDGENUITY Each student works at individual learning objective. Pre-test Pass with 80% or greater they move onto the next lesson Lesson Test Must pass with 80%
ONE TO ONE Working with students one to one Hands on manipulatives Worksheets Guided lessons Games Relationships with students
STUDENT SELECTION MATH th Grade7th Grade8th Grade FMS Tier FMS Tier 3 <200<205<208
STUDENT SELECTION Class size No greater than 12 students Entering and exiting the course is done at mid- quarter or end of quarter depending on progress and NWEA scores. Communicating with math classroom teacher. RTI needs to work with schedule. Do not work with students who have math IEP goals, new comer ELL students, and AVID students.
CLASSROOM SETTING Comfortable, relaxing, and welcoming. Shared classroom (6 th, 7 th and 8 th grade) RTI teacher for each grade level. Accessible resources
HOW TO MAKE RTI WORK FOR YOUR SCHOOL Shadow what is being taught at the time or teach the standards that were not mastered. Keep individual folders for progress monitoring. If teaching to individual leaning targets that student didn’t master. 3-4 students in class Look at NWEA for what they did not master
COMMUNICATION WITH CO-WORKERS What students are struggling Behavior Students background If students should be in RTI or exited from RTI