Agenda Introductions Introductions Issaquah Schools Foundation A Big Thank You!!! Endeavour PTSA- Curriculum Overview Curriculum Overview Homework/Class work/folders Homework Daily Schedule Daily Schedule Connect Connect Behavior expectations/consequences Behavior expectations/consequences Fifth grade activities Fifth grade activities Volunteers-remember to register online! Fifth Graders Fifth Graders Conferences December 2 nd and 3rd. Sign ups will be on Family Access. from October 16-30th Smarter Balance Testing- ELA and Math- Testing window to be determined MSP (Science only) TBD Welcome to Curriculum Night
A Little About Me Native Washingtonian Avid Husky fan and graduate of the University of Washington Two kids-Alison, 24, and Erik, 23 Both are Huskies. Husband Paul Taught for 30 years Love the Mariners and all things baseball, Huskies, Playing on the computer, Traveling Slide 1
What Are We Doing? Math – Everyday Math, IXL Writing- Writer’s Workshop/Unit of Study Grammar, Spelling Reading Reader’s Workshop Making Meaning,, F and P Social Studies Geogaphy/States and Capitals Explorers American History Science- Energy and Motion Fossils Life Science Flash Reflections Science Fair Art Slide 1
Homework Time 50 minutes Spelling Vocabulary Nightly math/IXL Assignment sheet Classwork/Folders Projects What if it’s not done? Slide 1
CLASSROOM RULES Show respect Make good decisions Solve the problem. Practice Kindness What happens if you choose to not follow a rule: Step one-Think step- Step two- At recess, write a plan for changed behavior. Step three- Plan review and call home by student to review behavior and plan. Step four- Teacher. Principal, parent intervention of plan. Students very rarely will make it even to step three. Step four is generally an indicator of larger problem that requires adult assistance. There is also such a thing as a bad day, which I think we all can recognize for what it is. Slide 1 Slide 1
Fifth Grade Activities Camp Colman- Parent meeting in February. Deposit on fees. Fifth Grade Promotion /Party Pam Svore, Toyman
Join us at Camp! April 20 th -22nd Slide ones
It is going to be an amazing year!!! Now it’s time for your quiz!!!! Really hard quiz