Simple and Systematic
Mission and Focus To inspire our students with a passion for learning, empowered to pursue their dreams confidently and creatively, while contributing to our community, nation, and world. Focus – depends on data, currently: Improving Math Achievement Improving Literacy for All Building Relationships
Proactive Intervention(P.I.) + Response to Intervention(RtI) What are they and how do they work together to help more students achieve? *Achievement is defined by Annual Yearly Progress on FCAT and Student Grades
P.I. This begins with a core academic team’s early look at lagging indicators - student FCAT scores(AYP), previous year grades, attend., disc. What AYP subgroup(s) are underperforming? Why are they underperforming? What to do about it? When? Working? If not What now? Semi Quarterly review by teams
RtI – School Wide and Team Response to Intervention is about providing good instruction and interventions to students based on their needs. Interventions are tiered, not students
RtI School-Wide The basis of RtI is good instruction for all(tier 1 interventions for all)
RtI School Wide cont’d Early Warning system – looking at grades, discipline, and attendance Gives you data on: – students to provide interventions for – students to reward
RtI School Wide cont’d Early warning system data Quarterly data review to determine school- wide interventions(programs)by SLT/DST Keep 5 B’s & discipline system Add PBS – for example: No C’s, less than 2 referrals, less than 4 absences = ability to listen to mp3 and seating preference during lunch.
RtI – Teams This is by nature a little more reactive Look at data semi- quarterly See which students are not being successful Provide them with interventions you do not provide for all (tier 2 interventions)
Tier 2 Interventions
Documenting Tier 2 Effectiveness Grades, attendance, discipline Scatter plot or class graph of grades Story behind the grade That is it - simple. Child study/RtI kicks in - in very few cases
Tier 3
Curriculum &Instruction Written (Core Curriculum) Intended (What you teach) Learned (What students learn) Continued use of FOCUS to inform our instruction (FAIR, SRI, used as well)
Professional Development Rigor & Engagement AVID(Socratic Seminar,…….) Small Group Instruction Co-operative Learning D.O.K. (evaluate ourselves & question stems)
More Systems/Simplification Morning Meetings : Monday – Teachers in class Tuesday – DST, SLT, Dept., Team all strategically scheduled Wednesday – Parent Conf. Thursday – Teachers in class Friday – Parent Conf. Parent Conference requests communicated by team contacts with front desk
More Systems/Simpl. Cont’d Achievement Contracts – included in agenda Bathroom passes in agenda? Laminated D.O.K. posters for every classroom Every team one Service-Learning project? Other ideas to improve?