2014 Small Farm rate: Cost & Cost per acre foot as a function of bimonthly consumption in cubic feet 2,800 cf bimonthly, 0.39 acre foot annually Near Medium Residential consumption Cost: $ Cost/af: $1, ,260 cf bimonthly, 1 acre foot annually Cost: $ Cost/af: $ ,602 cf bimonthly, 2.7 acre feet annually Average Small Farm consumption Cost: $ Cost/af: $221.55
2014 Residential & Small Farm Annual Cost Comparisons for consumption up to 10,000 cf bimonthly 3,057 cf bimonthly,.42 acre foot annually Medium Residential consumption Residential: $ Small Farm: $ ,686 cf bimonthly, 1.06 acre feet/year High Residential consumption Residential: $1, Small Farm: $ ,053 cf bimonthly, 0.24 acre foot annually Low Residential consumption both rates: $ [$1,738 per af]
Annual Cost for Small Farm Rates Case 1: Consumption 2,800 cf bimonthly, 0.39 af per year Case 2: Consumption 7,260 cf bimonthly, 1 af per year Case 3: Consumption 19,602 cf bimonthly, 2.7 af per year
Annual Cost per Acre Foot for Small Farm Rates Case 1: Consumption 2,800 cf bimonthly, 0.39 af per year Case 2: Consumption 7,260 cf bimonthly, 1 af per year Case 3: Consumption 19,602 cf bimonthly, 2.7 af per year Division of cost by consumption (acre feet) -- not actual cost – Produces very high cost/af at low consumption. Actual cost is lowest at low consumption.
Annual Cost per Acre Foot for Small Farm Rates Case 2: Consumption 7,260 cf bimonthly, 1 af per year Case 3: Consumption 19,602 cf bimonthly, 2.7 af per year Same as preceding graph except for only cases 2 & 3: Graphing Case 1 (low consumption) scales these traces to nearly flat lines.