Training for the Master Trainers and District Level Trainers
Election Procedure and the Operation of the Multi-Post EVMs Training on : Election Procedure and the Operation of the Multi-Post EVMs
NOTIFICATION To be published by the RO for all Constituencies separately in Form No. 1 Date of notification to be published in RO’s office and LSGI office Notice Board In Malayalam and language directed by SEC Places to file Nomination must be specified
NOMINATION To be submitted in Form No.2 Personal details in Form 2A Timing 11.00 AM to 3.00 PM No other place and no other time Candidate/Proposer can file directly
f. Qualification of the Candidate should have completed 21 years on the date of filing Nomination Must be a voter of the LSGI
DISQUALIFICATION Employee of the Central/State Government/Local Body Officers dismissed from the Central/State Government/Local Body Conviction Disqualified by the Commission Adjudged unsound mind Insolvent.
Interested in subsisting contract with Government and any Local Body Employed as paid Legal Practitioner of Government or on behalf that particular LSGI A defaulter of any kind to Government or any Local Body Debarred from practising as an Advocate Deaf –Mute If black listed (in Government Contract)
Qualification of the Proposer – Must be a voter of that constituency (Ward) Minimum number of Proposer – 1 Maximum number of Nominations – 3 Number of Constituencies where a person can contest simultaneously – 1 Other formalities – Taking oath, filing details of wealth, Deposit amount etc
Numbering the received Nominations. Preliminary examination – Rectification of minor errors Date and time of filing to be noted Daily publication of list of nominated candidates and personal details submitted by candidates in Form No. 2A
SCRUTINY All nomination papers to be scrutinized On the date and time specified At the specified place By the RO Participants : Candidate, Proposer, Candidate’s Agent, another authorized persons and officials
All Nominations filed by or on behalf of a person to be secrutinised together Allow all candidates to verify all Nomination papers on request Conduct summary enquiry in case of disputes and take decision Time up to the following day of the next day can be given to adduce evidence Decisions and reason for it to be recorded
J. Main reasons for rejection Not qualified Nomination not presented by the Candidate or Proposer Nomination not filed in the specified place and time Proposer not an elector of the Constituency / Ward
Deposit not made Filed Nomination in more than one constituency / Ward of the same level Has not taken the oath Age not specified in Nomination paper
k. Adjournment of Scrutiny Normally No adjournment. Can be adjourned in case of calamities, riot etc. – but with permission of SEC.
l. Publication of List of validly, nominated Candidates In Form No.4 RO’s office, LSGI Office Copy to be sent to SEC
WITHDRAWAL OF CANDIDATURE Only by Candidate/Proposer or Agent (authorisation to be given by candidate) In Form No. 5 Before 3.00 PM of the last date specified for the purpose
Receipt to be given Withdrawal effects all sets of Nominations of that candidate No revocation or cancellation Copy to be published in RO’s office, LSGI office
UN CONTESTED ELECTION Declare the Candidate to have been elected give certificate on the last date of withdrawal.
ALLOTMENT OF SYMBOLS Approved symbols to be allotted Symbols shall be allotted as per the Local Authorities Election Symbols (Reservation of Allotment) Order 2015. Approved symbols to be allotted Reserved symbols for political parties Free symbols for independent candidates Priority to be given in case of demand by more than one for a symbol - lot
PUBLICATION OF LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES In Form No. 6 Immediately after 3.00 PM on withdrawal day To be published at conspicuous space at the RO’s office/LSGI office
List to be given to Candidates/Agents Copy to be sent to SEC by special messenger/Fax In case of uncontested election, list to be prepared but not to be published Issue identity cards to Candidates
APPOINTMENT OF AGENTS Candidate appoints his agent in Form 8 and 2 copies given to RO RO returns one copy duly authenticated by him Revocation in Form No. 9 A disqualified person shall not be an agent
PRINTING OF BALLOT LABELS/PAPERS Immediately after the time fixed for withdrawal Names in the order they appear in Form No.6 In Malayalam and in languages directed by SEC To be got approved by the DEO
Ballot labels & Tendered ballots should be serially numbered Colour: GP/ Municipality - White BP - Pink DP - Blue
(g) Number of Ballot labels to be printed on the basis of Number of EVMs to be used (including reserve). Tendered ballot papers. 25% of total number of items 1 and 2.
(h) Printed Ballot papers to be verified Ensure name and symbol is clearly shown. Incorrect and damaged to be removed. No duplication in numbering. Numberless ballots not to be used.
Proper accounts to be maintained. (i) Ballot papers to be arranged Constituency wise. Proper accounts to be maintained. Balance to be kept by the RO till polling. After Election to be kept in Treasury till the disposal as per rules.
(m) Ensure that dummy Ballot Papers Printed by Candidates are Not in the same size. Not in White, Pink, Blue colours. Name and Symbol of other candidate are not printed.
POSTAL BALLOTS Postal Ballot should be sent by the concerned ROs (except DP) Block RO being the ARO of DP shall sent the PB in respect of DP also. Application for Postal Ballot (Form 15) should be made available to all Polling Officials. Grama Panchayat ward – Block Panchayat Division – District Panchayat Division chart to be prepared well in advance. Preparation and despatch of Postal Ballot to be arranged block wise.
(e) Register and accounts to be maintained. Sl. No. of Elector to be noted in counterfoil. Mark “PB” and cross the related box in the electoral roll from left bottom corner to right top corner. Counter foils to be kept by RO in sealed cover with dated signature. Details to be noted on the cover.
(j) If returned undelivered, it can be given direct or by post as per the request of the officer concerned. (k) Register to be maintained for Postal Ballot received after voting. (l) Details to be entered daily and countersigned by RO or authorised person (m) Accept those received till the start of counting of votes. (n) Cover received late shall not be opened.
CONDUCT OF POLL Ensure that all polling stations are in good condition. RO should ensure that polling officials have been appointed by the DEO. Identify sensitive booths, vulnerable booths etc and bring to the notice of the DEO and take special care. RO to impart training to polling officials.
Ensure that sufficient polling materials and transportation facilities for polling officials have been arranged. Supervision on distribution of polling materials. Monitor the poll process and intervene wherever necessary. After poll, the polled materials to be kept in the strong room. Maintain Log Book in Form A23.
COUNTING OF VOTES To be arranged Block Wise. Table wise – Round wise chart to be prepared well in advance. All polling stations of a GP ward to be counted in a table in consecutive rounds.
4. Appointment of Counting Agents In Form No. 12 Issue pass in Form No. N25 Indicate name of Candidate in the Pass. Write Table No. & Round No. Agent to sign on the Pass. Mobile phones not allowed except RO, ARO, observer.
5. Appointment of Counting Staff One supervisor and 2 Assistants Sufficient supporting staff to RO Appointment by RO Impart training to counting staff
6. Counting Hall arrangements Lay out of counting Hall. Separate dais for Block RO and GP ROs. Communication facilities to be arranged. Computer facilities – e-TREND. Media Room – a Senior officer to be posted. Public Addressing System – Block Wise. Security arrangements.
7. Persons allowed in Counting Hall Counting Supervisors/Assistants. Persons authorised by SEC. Public servants on duty - does not include police officials. Candidate /Agents. Counting Agents – one agent at one table for each candidate.
8. Counting Process Start at the time fixed for it. Postal Ballot to be counted first at the dais of the ROs concerned.
A. Counting of Postal Ballot Covers in Form 19 received after the start of counting shall not be opened. All covers in Form 19 received late to be kept together after noting the date and time of receipt.
(c) Grounds for Rejection of Postal Ballot Declaration not duly signed and attested by a Gazetted Officer. Declaration not found. Serial No. of Ballot is different. No vote recorded.
Multiple voting. Spurious ballot paper. (vii) So damaged or mutilated that its identity as a genuine ballot paper cannot be established. (viii) Not returned in the prescribed cover. (ix) Bears any mark or writing by which voter can be identified.
B. Counting of Votes in EVM Scrutiny and inspection of CUs as per the chart. Cancelled ballot label & cover containing 24A Filling details in Part II of Form 24A as in cancelled ballot label. Opening of carrying cases – checking of seals and identity of CUs.
Companion of Sl. No. Green Paper Seal. Remove strip seal and open the cover of Result section. (vii) Do not open the inner cover. (viii) Switch on CU and note down the results.
To be noted in Part II of 24A by CS and e-TREND form by a CA in all the 3 tiers. Switch off the CU as soon as counting is over. Hand over the forms for tabulation. Check the entries in e-TREND form with 24A Part II
(xiii) Tabulation in Form 25 Result Sheet. (xiv)Declaration of the Result in Form 25A. Issue Election certificate in Form 26. File return of election in Form 27.
Copies of Declaration in Form 25A to be sent to (1) SEC, (2) LSG Department in Government, (3) DEO and (4) LSGI concerned. 2 Copies each of Form 25, 25A, 26 and 27 to be sent to SEC by special messenger. File RO’s report in Form No. N27 through DEO.
PACKING AND SEALING The following packets should be kept in safe custody Un used Postal Ballot papers and counterfoils, unused ballot labels. Counterfoils of used Postal Ballot papers Used Tendered Ballot papers & list in Form 21B
Postal Ballot received late Marked copy of electoral roll. Voter register in Form 21A Declaration of electors and all other papers relating to election.
2. Secret Seal to be affixed only on the packets and not on the metal box 3. The RO shall keep papers relating to nomination & Form 2A in his custody and hand over to his successor. 4. The keys and Treasury receipt to be kept by the DEO.
Thank You