We Have Done It Before and We Could Do It Again Dardenne Presbyterian Church Elders Gathering November 13, 2015 St. Louis, MO
June 6, 1946
90,000 School Children Governor of NY, Supreme Court Justice, Mayor of Brooklyn
117 th Sunday School Parade
The Presbyterian Picture Today
Ruling Elders
Mainline Membership Loss American Baptists1,535,9711,607,5411,535,9711,436,9091,337,127 Christian Church (Disciples) 1,918,4711,177,9841,039,692820,286661,544 Episcopal Church3,429,1532,786,0042,446,0502,311,3982,125,012 Evangelical Lutheran Church 5,684,2985,384,2715,240,7395,125,9194,637,887 Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 4,254,5973,272,5182,856,7132,525,3302,016,091 Reformed Church in America 385,754345,532326,850289, United Church of Christ 2,070,4131,736,2441,599,2121,377,3201,080,199 United Methodist Church 11,067,4979,519,4078,904,8248,340,9547,837,987
United States Census Data YearPopulation% of Change million million13.4% million11.4% million9.8% million13% million6.8% million3%
Yet, Some Are Growing or Were Assemblies of God 572,1231,064,4902,181,5022,577,5603,146,741 Catholic Church 46,246,17550,449,84258,568,01563,683, Mormon Church 1,789,1752,811,0003,736,0004,679, So. Baptist Convention 10,770,57313,600,12615,038,04915,960,
90% of Presbyterian Congregations Have Reached a Plateau or are Declining.
PC(USA) Congregations and Membership # of CongregationsReported Membership 20149,8291,667, ,5602,016, ,0642,405, ,0972,451, ,1412,493,781
Congregations Have Left 2012 – –
Congregations Dissolved – 110
1. Finding and Keeping Young Adults
Decline in Children’s Baptisms PCUSA , , , , , , ,027
Child Baptism Numbers Other Years , , , ,744
Decline of Infant Baptisms 1983 – 50, – 22, ,027
Confirmation Class
Infant Baptisms ,785
????? Professions of Faith Under 17 in 1997
Infant Baptisms (1983) 50,785 Professions of Faith (1997) People Under Age 17 31,999
Sources of Decline Fewer Young Adults Fewer Children Baptized Fewer Children Retained Until Confirmation
Implications for a Church? Not Dardenne’s Story? What Drives That for You? What Passion Exists That Sustains That?
2. Where are our Professions of Faith?
Comparative Statistics PCUSPCUSAMethodistS. Baptist
Narrative on the State of Religion Have there been any special manifestations of the Holy Spirit’s power in your church either by conversion or by increased activity in church work?
J. Wilbur Chapman
Billy Sunday
PCUS/PCUSA Baptisms PCUSAdult BaptismsInfant Baptisms 19158,9985, ,5327, ,4005, ,0359, ,13117,576 PCUSA ,17435, ,45933, ,63417,027
Baptisms Now?
79% Children 21% Adults
Are We Doing Evangelism Anymore?
Martha Grace Reese Baptizing 1% of Your Worship Attendance Each Year for 5 Years. 30,000 Congregations studied 150 met the criterion
Implications at Dardenne?
3. The Back Door
Largest Category of Loss? “Other” - Those Going Inactive
How We Are Exiting CertificateDeathOther ,98143,007132, ,77940,862116, ,15641,164106, ,71737,840112, ,35228,38978,107
More than 3 million Inactive List Since 1983
Get People Connected We Have Only Around 6 Months to Connect People or We Lose Them 7 People Knowing Their Names
Implications for the Back Door?
4. New Church Development
PCUSA Churches OrganizedDissolved
PCUS – New Congregations in 287,000 members
Narrative on the State of Religion How are you establishing your church beyond its bounds?
Review of the Picture Today We can’t keep young adults. We don’t have the children of those young adults. We lose 40% of the children we baptize before confirmation. We don’t reach the unchurched in the proportions of old. We lose so many we do reach; the backdoor is like an airplane hangar. We have a tumble down effect creating fewer churches able to afford full time pastors. We begin few New Church Developments.
History of the Evangelistic Methods of Presbyterianism Revivalism
History of the Evangelistic Methods of Presbyterianism Revivalism Sunday school
History of the Evangelistic Methods of Presbyterianism Revivalism Sunday school Outpost Sunday schools – New Church Development
History of the Evangelistic Methods of Presbyterianism Revivalism Sunday school Outpost Sunday schools – New Church Development Personal work
History of the Evangelistic Methods of Presbyterianism Revivalism Sunday school Outpost Sunday schools – New Church Development Personal work Pastoral roles
History of the Evangelistic Methods of Presbyterianism Revivalism Sunday school Outpost Sunday schools – New Church Development Personal work Pastoral roles Denominational Expectations
1950s PCUS Broader Definition “Evangelism is all the Church is and does to present Christ Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, that man may put their trust in God through Him, receive Him as Savior from the guilt and power of sin, and serve Him as Lord in the fellowship of the Church.”
Present Condition Lack of agreement of definition.
Present Condition Lack of agreement of definition. Lack of monies devoted to evangelism.
Present Condition Lack of agreement of definition. Lack of monies devoted to evangelism. Lack of any definitive program of evangelism.
Present Condition Lack of agreement of definition. Lack of monies devoted to evangelism. Lack of any definitive program of evangelism. Lack of passion for the lost because we are not sure anyone is lost.
Present Condition Lack of agreement of definition. Lack of monies devoted to evangelism. Lack of any definitive program of evangelism. Lack of passion for the lost because we are not sure anyone is lost. Lack of confidence in our methods and message.
Present Condition Lack of agreement of definition. Lack of monies devoted to evangelism. Lack of any definitive program of evangelism. Lack of passion for the lost because we are not sure anyone is lost. Lack of confidence in our methods and message. Lots of dying churches – 90% declining or static.
Little Bo Peep Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep And can’t tell where to find them; Leave them alone, and they’ll come home, And bring their tails behind them.
How will a passion come or come back? Will it come from desperation or conviction? The Future
So what do we do?
A missional church is more than a missions-minded church.
She Saw Reality Little Bo Peep fell fast asleep, And dreamt she heard them bleating; But when she awoke, she found it a joke, For they were still all fleeting.
She Changed Her Behavior Then up she took her little crook, Determined for to find them; She found them indeed, but it made her heart bleed, For they’d left their tails behind them.
You Are Not Alone – God is Here