Religious Landmark around the world By :Gian/6B
Indonesia Religious Landmark BOROBUDUR Borobudur Temple is the world largest Buddhist Temple. In the Borobudur temple there are a hundred of Buddha Statues. It was built in the 9 th century. It was located on Magelang Central Java. There is the history of the Borobudur Temple.
Germany Religious landmark Frauenkirche Frauenkirche was the religious landmark in Germany. It is located in Dresden. This church was destroyed after a bombing raid in First it was only a dream - rebuilding of the Frauenkirche, but over a period of 11 years ( ), the church was really rebuilt piece by piece. The church is very old. It is famous in Germany.
Brazil Religious landmark Christ The Redeemer Statue are located in Rio de Janeiro. Christ The Redeemer is the statue of Jesus Christ. The statue is 120 ft. tall and weigh 635 tons. Now it is the part of the seven wonder of the world. It is famous in Brazil.
USA Religious Landmark USA Religious landmark is temple Emanuel. It is located in New York. It is the largest Jewish temple in the world. It stand 103 feet tall, 100 feet wide and 175 feet long and the seat of 2,500 people can fit in this temple. It is so famous at USA.
Australia Religious Landmark Australia religious landmark is St Mary Cathedral. It is located in Sydney in college street and it has the greatest length of any church in Australia. It became the World Youth Day It is famous in Australia.
Japan Religious Landmark Japan religious landmark is the great Buddha of Kamakura. It is located in Kamakura.The great Buddha is one icon of Japan. It is meters high and weight 93 tons. It is so famous in Japan.
Ways to respect Differences If you visit the landmark you better keep the place clean by not throwing the rubbish everywhere. And also keeping the landmark neat and tidy by not destroying anything such as the display and the statue(if there is).
Cultural Practice Me myself, I used to visit this religious landmark,HKY (Hati Kudus Yesus) church. It is located in Jalan Polisi Istimewa in Surabaya city. Every Sunday I go there to pray with my family. The church started at 9:15 am until 10:30. I also visit another church like Yakobus church which is located at west Surabaya.
Conclusion 1.In temple Emanuel almost 3,000 people can fit in the temple. There are up to 2,000 seats in the temple. 2. Christ the redeemer statue almost reach 1,000 tons. 3. The Frauenkirche was bomb in the same year as Indonesia Independence Day.
Bibliography corcovado-mountain/ great-buddha religious-sites-us/