Integration of Technology into the Social Studies Chris Osborne Independent Consultant
What is technology integration? Phone based interviews Fax machine The Internet Digital cameras (video and still) Overhead projectors DVD/CD-ROM Smartboards Technology is all over…are you using it?
Social Studies Technology Technology Integration ProjectsResearchInteraction
Project Based Learning This inquiry style encourages the student to be the historian. National History Day in Indiana This project is based on an annual theme and allows students to pursue different types of projects, some of which are technology rich, while all a great deal of research.
Research Research is broken into two areas – primary source and secondary source. Inspire Database – Primary Source Examples –Our Documents: Secondary Source Examples –Wikipedia:
Interaction Interaction with technology could include online experiences, phone interviews, map creation or interaction, and more. Examples Digital History: Google Earth: Geosense: Animated Atlas: Xpeditions:
Thanks My website – You can download files, follow other links and get a ton of resources. Today was just a brief look into what is possible.