Read Jeremiah 18: 1-11
Background Northern Kingdom of Israel taken in captivity by Assyrians. Babylon has invaded Judah and laid siege to Jerusalem Southern Kingdom of Judah has sinned by worshiping gods of neighboring nations, exploiting the poor, and taking pride in their own merit How do we as individuals or as a country fall out of God’s favor?
They believed that since God had rescued them from slavery in Egypt, He would rescue them again. They believed that as God’s chosen people, they could do what they wanted to do and God would protect them. Do individuals sometimes think that just because they have been baptized, they can just do as they please and they will get into heaven anyway?
Jeremiah was convinced that God had sent the Babylonians to call the “chosen” people to repentance. No one would listen to him. Do you believe that God sometimes lets or causes bad things to happen to people to bring them back into line?
God called Jeremiah to speak an unpopular, message that questioned the prevailing assumptions. If God sent a message to America today, what unpopular message might they bring to us?
If we have lost touch with the Potter, we may need a radical reversal like Judah. More likely, we may need only a more attentive, responsive participation in the molding process. Bottom line, be open to whatever changes need to be made in your life, no matter how small.