Perchlorate Occurrence in Ventura and Los Angeles Counties Dennis A. Dickerson Executive Officer California Regional Water Quality Control Board Los Angeles Region
Perchlorate Detections Since 1997 perchlorate has been increasingly identified in regional groundwater Occurrence closely associated with defense and aerospace sites Highest levels of contamination most likely from “legacy” sources new sources not being created In some locations, incidental contamination resulting from other sources cannot be ruled out, e.g., fireworks, road flares, fertilizers
Where do we find the highest concentrations of perchlorate in groundwater? Greatest concentrations in groundwater are found closely associated with aerospace and defense sites Aerojet (Baldwin Park) JPL (Pasadena) Santa Susana Field Lab (Boeing)
Significant Source Sites in Ventura County Boeing’s Rocketdyne SSFL Santa Susana Field Lab near surface 48 ppb (ES-11) Chatsworth 1,600 ppb (HAR-16) Off-site 4-5 ppb, single detects not repeated San Nicholas Island US Navy 16 ppb Maximum concentrations in groundwater
Other Perchlorate Detections in Ventura County Simi Valley 17 detections in groundwater all less than 20 ppb 7 of the 17 detections less than 6 ppb no definable plume at present, no clear connection to SSFL as the source Ahmanson Ranch 28 ppb (MW-1) split sample showed non-detect pending additional round of sampling Maximum concentrations in groundwater
Significant Source Sites in Los Angeles County Whittaker Bermite Site Santa Clarita - 310,000 ppb DTSC Order NASA/JPL Pasadena - 1,500 ppb USEPA Order (Superfund Site) Aerojet Azusa - 2,180 ppb Regional Water Board Order Maximum concentrations in groundwater
Perchlorate found in Monitoring Wells in Azusa (BPOU)
Perchlorate found in USEPA Multi-port monitoring wells across the Baldwin Park Operable Unit (BPOU) in Azusa, California
Other Perchlorate Detections in Los Angeles County Central Basin sporadic detections have been reported in Vernon, Commerce, Norwalk and Bellflower. San Gabriel Basin perchlorate has been detected basin-wide, inside and outside designated Superfund areas. Pomona Valley the City of Pomona has reported perchlorate detections as high as 19 ppb in 23 production wells.
Perchlorate Impacts Ventura County No drinking water wells impacted
Perchlorate Impacts Los Angeles County Numerous drinking water wells impacted (over 130 total) Drinking water wells in the Cities of Santa Clarita, Valencia, Saugus and and Newhall have been affected. City of Pasadena shut down 9 of their 13 drinking water wells due to perchlorate impact
JPL Facility Operable Unit 2 Source Removal JPL Facility Operable Unit 2 400 800 SCALE IN FEET Operable Unit 3: Plume Containment ClO4– > 500 ppb ClO4– > 10 ppb Figure 8
Treatment Options Treatment is possible but costly Current wellhead treatment systems not designed for perchlorate retrofits are required
Regional Board Actions Source Identification Efforts: 1997– Directed the City of El Monte, water supply companies and some dischargers to sample for perchlorate. Analytical results ranged from 1 to 5 ppb. 1998 - Assisted USEPA with the identification of perchlorate contaminant sources in the Azusa/Baldwin Park Area. 1998 - Assisted USEPA with the revision of the 1994 Record of Decision for the Baldwin Park Operable Unit amended to include perchlorate.
Regional Board Actions Source Identification Efforts: 1999 - Directed PRPs in El Monte Operable Unit to sample for perchlorate. 2000 - Directed Lockheed (in San Fernando Basin) and NASA/JPL (Raymond Basin) to sample for perchlorate. 2001 - Directed some dischargers in Monrovia and South El Monte to sample for perchlorate.
Regional Board Actions Source Identification Efforts: 2002 - USEPA and the Regional Board direct PRPs in South El Monte and Puente Valley Operable Units to sample for perchlorate and other emergent chemicals. 2002 - Regional Board issues 13267 investigation letters to Boeing (Santa Susana Field Lab) and Ahmanson 2003 - Regional Board staff send out 433 letters to NPDES dischargers requesting a one time sampling for perchlorate, NDMA, 1,4-dioxane and hexavalent chromium.
Recent Regional Board Actions Current focus is on investigation orders issued to determine extent of contamination Future actions Cleanup and Abatement Orders where warranted increase source identification efforts work with USEPA on significant sites
Conclusions A number of distinct and significant sources of contamination are known. Many sources remain to be identified Most identified source sites have not yet been remediated. The occurrence of perchlorate in groundwater poses a significant additional economic burden to conduct wellhead treatment of drinking water resources.