بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم تلوث المياه الجوفية الناتج عن التسربات من خزانات الوقود المدفونة الخيار بين الوقاية والعلاج
Groundwater Contamination from Leaking UST’s: Prevention versus Restoration Mohammad Al-Suwaiyan Civil Engineering Department King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Presentation Layout Introduction Complexity of groundwater Contamination Assessment need for modeling associated difficulties, uncertainties
1,400,000,000,000,000,000 m 3
1,400,000,000,000,000,000 m % 37,500,000,000,000,000 m 3
1,400,000,000,000,000,000 m % 37,500,000,000,000,000 m 3 23% 8,300,000,000,000,000 m 3
1,400,000,000,000,000,000 m % 37,500,000,000,000,000 m 3 23% 8,300,000,000,000,000 m 3 1.5% 126,250,000,000,000 m 3
Distance to sun 150,000,000 km
5 million
Background Ground water a main source of potable water Contamination of ground water Hydrocarbon leaks and associated problems
Laws related to GW contamination Legislations related to air or SW pollution were enacted in 1940’s and 50’s 1980 CERCLA or superfund act was passed establishing $ 15 billion to pay for clean up of abandoned hazardous waste sites which can be recovered by EPA from responsible parties What is the reason for the time lag?
Leaking Tank Residual hydrocarbon Mobile hydrocarbon Ground-water flow GAS
Leaking Tank Residual hydrocarbon Mobile hydrocarbon Ground-water flow GAS
Leaking Tank Residual hydrocarbon Mobile hydrocarbon Water table Ground-water flow Hydrocarbon components dissolved in ground-water GAS Saturated zone Vadose zone
How Can a Hydrocarbon Exist Residual phase held by capillary & adsorptive forces Vapor phase Free phase Dissolved in groundwater
Typical Phase Distribution After Spill
Important Notes Due to the hidden nature of the subsurface environment many think it will degrade any contaminant given enough time. Contaminants that enter the subsurface will eventually make it to the aquifer. Remediation and cleanup of subsurface became an important issue.
Factors Influencing Fluids Distribution Soil Hydraulic Properties Displacement head Pore size distribution index Residual saturation
Factors Influencing Fluids Distribution Continued Fluid Properties density Surface tension Viscosity Solubility Volatility
How is a spill discovered? Accidental detection Product could appear in a monitoring well Is using monitoring wells effective measure?
Water Oil Air Monitoring Well
Problems associated with using MW to detect leaks Free product may not appear in MW even with significant LNAPL in formation LNAPL thickness in MW varies with the condition of the water table Sudden appearance and disappearance of LNAPL in MW is observed in the field
Conclusion Monitoring wells are easy to install and to use but they are not reliable methods to detect and quantify LNAPL leaks
Remediation Project Control source Complete site characterization Design remediation process & system Evaluate effectiveness
Remediation Project Control source Complete site characterization Design remediation process & system Evaluate effectiveness CAN ANY OF THE ABOVE BE DONE WITHOUT THE HELP OF MODELING?
Modeling needs 1) Water flow model 2) Dissolved pollutant model 3) Model to handle various phases
Using water mass balance and Darcy equation a Water flow model can be developed However it has limitations and its results will influence performance of next models Water flow model
Groundwater modeling flow equation K exhibits large variation that is impossible to represent which leads to non accurate velocity field
Dissolved pollutant model Using mass balance for each species and including Various influencing processes a model capable of prediction distribution of dissolved pollutant model can be developed However it has limitations and its results will influence design and operation of treatment system
Contaminant Transport modeling transport of dissolved contaminants Processes that can be included : dispersion, advection, reactions, Sorption kinetics.. How close can we represent the actual processes? Velocity field from flow model is input to this model.
Contaminant Transport Mechanisms Advection : contaminant is carried with flowing water Flow velocity Solubility Hydrodynamic Dispersion : spreading of contaminants Concentration gradient heterogeneity
Attenuation Mechanisms Adsorption Retardation factor Reaction Decay Oxidation/reduction Biodegradation
Modeling various phases This is the most difficult part of modeling but it can Be done as shown in the next slide, However modeling real life cases is impossible i.e. modelingit has limitations and its results will influence design and operation of treatment system
Modeling Different Phases Contaminants as distinct phases For each phase similar equation will have to be solved along With proper auxiliary and boundary, initial conditions
Conclusion 1 Modeling is an essential tool for aquifer assessment & remediation
Conclusion 2 Results obtained by modeling are rarely accurate which directly affects the effort for remediation
Conclusion 3 Verifying model prediction are practically impossible due to the nature of the subsurface environment
Subsurface restoration
Remediation Priority Stop bleeding & Control source Know subsurface & figure out extent Develop & implement cleanup plan
Sources leaking tanks Free product (Mobile phase) Residual phase
Subsurface & Extent challenging and difficult hidden nature inherited heterogeneity Naturally will involve heavy modeling
Cleanup planning mobile phase Pump-and-treat Number of wells Locations Flow rates and time variations All are selected through modeling
Cleanup planning residual phase (potential sources) SVE Through promoting mass transfer to vapor phase then extraction How close can actual processes be modeled Enhancing biodegradation IBD How close can the behavior of microorganisms be modeled Operation variables are selected through modeling
Cleanup process complicating factors Initial moisture distribution Natural heterogeneity process may trigger worse situation through creation of new channels which facilitate contaminant transport
Supporting reports NRC committee on groundwater cleanup alternatives investigated 77 sites in which treatment processes were conducted for a long time NRC committee on groundwater cleanup alternatives investigated 77 sites in which treatment processes were conducted for a long time Only 8 sites reached cleanup goals Only 8 sites reached cleanup goals In some cases the situation became worse In some cases the situation became worse
Case of Brunswick,N.J. Subsurface contamination by a computer company was discovered After 6 years of Cleanup the process was stopped thinking it was complete After 3 years contamination came back worse than ever before
Conclusion Characterization, analysis, design and operation of cleanup systems relies heavily on modeling Subsurface clean-up process is usually difficult, costly and has very low success rate
Recommendation More effort should be given to prevention Meaningful regulation to the process of design, installation, monitoring and maintenance of USTs should be developed