Making blood activity Inquiry resource Blood components Making blood activity Inquiry resource
Components of Blood
Blood average 4-5L in a human body Blood is a connective tissue When centrifuged, blood separates into two major components: Plasma(55%) Formed elements (45%)
Blood’s components RBC, WBC, and platelets 1. Plasma Fluid part of the blood 92% water 1% ions (Ca 2+, Na+, K+, Cl-, etc.) 7 % proteins (albumins, globulins, fibrinogen) Serum = plasma –( fibrinogen +clotting factors) 2. Cellular components (also Formed elements): RBC, WBC, and platelets
To fill in the info on slide 13-17; use the provided summary table on Cellular component of blood. Your table should look like the page on the right here
Red Blood Cell (erythrocytes_) 2. Cellular Components (previously called Formed elements) Description Function Red Blood Cell (erythrocytes_) 99% of Cellular Components tiny biconcave disks (135 RBC = 1mm). Biconcave shape increases surface area Can fold to pass through narrow blood vessels Made from stem cells in bone marrow Lack mitochondria and nuclei Stored in spleen Constantly being destroyed and replaced (~120 days) Carry O2 & CO2 Have iron-containing protein called hemoglobin (~ 280 mill/1 RBC) specializing at transporting O2 1 hemoglobin can bind 4 O2 Anemia are conditions of haemoglobin shortage Erythrocytes that have a normal size or volume (normal MCV) are called normocytic, When the MCV is high, they are called macrocytic. When the MCV is low, they are termed microcytic. Erythrocytes containing the normal amount of hemoglobin (normal MCHC) are callednormochromic. When the MCHC is abnormally low they are calledhypochromic, and when the MCHC is abnormally high,hyperchromic.
When bio meets chem: A hemoglobin can hold 4 O2. There are about 280 million hemoglobin in a red blood cell. How many moles of O2 does a RBC contain?
Pus White Blood Cell (Leucocytes) Produced in the bone marrow 2. Cellular Components of Blood (Cont) White Blood Cell (Leucocytes) Produced in the bone marrow Do have nuclei 5-9 mill./1cm3 of blood Male 10% more WBC than female Many different types 1. Neutrophils 2. Basophils 3. Eosinophils 4. Lymphocytes 5. Monocytes Defend against diseases and infections Function in allergic reactions Produce antibodies stimulated by binding of foreign particles Phagocytize (i.e. engulf) to destroy invaders Leukemia – cancer of the wbc (wbc can’t stop dividing) Pus
Histology of WBC WBC
Platelets (thrombocytes) Fragments of cells 1-3um; no nuclei 2. Cellular Components of Blood (Cont) Platelets (thrombocytes) Fragments of cells 1-3um; no nuclei Break down after 7-10 days Responsible for blood clotting Prevent excessive blood loss Hemophilia – Sex-linked condition resulting in excessive bleeding This medication is used to prevent and treat blood clots. It may be used to prevent and treat blood clots in the lungs/legs (including in patients with atrial fibrillation). It may be used to treat certain blood clotting disorders. It may also be used to prevent blood clots after surgery, during dialysis, during blood transfusions, when collecting blood samples, or when a person is unable to move for a long time. Heparin helps to keep blood flowing smoothly by making a certain natural substance in your body (anti-clotting protein) work better. It is known as an anticoagulant. How blood clots? Let’s go to the ER:
Consolidation- HW Blood component summary table