Two Sermons in the book of ACTS ACTS 2 --- Peter’s Sermon at Pentecost ACTS 17 --- Paul’s Sermon at Mars Hill Q --- Why weren’t people saved through Paul’s.


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Presentation transcript:

Two Sermons in the book of ACTS ACTS Peter’s Sermon at Pentecost ACTS Paul’s Sermon at Mars Hill Q --- Why weren’t people saved through Paul’s sermon the way they were saved through Peter’s sermon? -At the end of the day the salvation of a human soul is not up to me, it’s up to the Holy Spirit of the Living God

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Winning People to Christ I. Convicts of Sin 1. The word “sin” is singular 2. The sin that Jesus is talking about -It is the sin of not believing in Christ

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Winning People to Christ II. Convicts of Righteousness Q1 --- What is righteousness? -From God’s perspective – you must be perfectly pure, perfectly clean, totally sinless Q2 --- How do I get it? -By following after Jesus

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Winning People to Christ III. Convicts of Judgment -The day of judgment... For the lost --- fear, dread, nervousness For the saved, unfaithful --- fear, dread, hopelessness the mountain top, the climax to their life For the saved, faithful ---