JAMES Consistent Christian Living “Show Me” Christianity
I. Authorship: James 1:1 I. Authorship: James 1:1 A. A teacher (“we” in 3:1) A. A teacher (“we” in 3:1) B. Recognized authority (55 commands) B. Recognized authority (55 commands) C. Christian-Jewish orientation C. Christian-Jewish orientation D. Palestine background D. Palestine background E. Wrote good quality Greek E. Wrote good quality Greek F. Well enough known to only be called James F. Well enough known to only be called James ~~ James, the half brother of Jesus Gal 1:19 ~~ Prominent leader of Jerusalem church ~~ Usually only called James Acts 12:17, 15:13, 21:18; Gal 2:9,12
II. Date: Earliest NT Book (45-50 AD) II. Date: Earliest NT Book (45-50 AD) A. Church predominantly Jewish A. Church predominantly Jewish 1. Meeting place called synagogue 2:2 1. Meeting place called synagogue 2:2 2. Scripture called “Law” 2. Scripture called “Law” 3. No reference to Gentile controversy 3. No reference to Gentile controversy B. Before Jerusalem Conference in 50 AD B. Before Jerusalem Conference in 50 AD C. Before writing of Synoptic Gospels (23 references to Sermon on Mount) C. Before writing of Synoptic Gospels (23 references to Sermon on Mount) D. Before James is martyred in 62 AD D. Before James is martyred in 62 AD
III. Recipients: III. Recipients: A. Christian Jews of the dispersion 1:1 A. Christian Jews of the dispersion 1:1 B. Scattered from Jerusalem after the stoning of Stephen Acts 8:1-4 B. Scattered from Jerusalem after the stoning of Stephen Acts 8:1-4 C. Poor financially exploited Jewish Christian migrant workers 1:1-2, 2:6-7, 5:7-9 C. Poor financially exploited Jewish Christian migrant workers 1:1-2, 2:6-7, 5:7-9
D. Inconsistency in daily living D. Inconsistency in daily living 1. Blamed God for temptation 1: Blamed God for temptation 1: “Hearers only” of God’s Word 1:21 2. “Hearers only” of God’s Word 1:21 3. Partiality to rich 2: Partiality to rich 2: Confusion on essence of faith 2: Confusion on essence of faith 2:14-26
5. Unauthorized teachers and sinful speech 3: Unauthorized teachers and sinful speech 3: Selfish ambition 3: Selfish ambition 3: Internal squabbling and worldliness 4: Internal squabbling and worldliness 4: Materialism and secularism 4: Materialism and secularism 4: Dishonesty – indiscriminate oath taking 5:12 9. Dishonesty – indiscriminate oath taking 5:12
IV. Purpose: IV. Purpose: A. Encouragement to endure hardship A. Encouragement to endure hardship B. Correction for inconsistencies in Christian living B. Correction for inconsistencies in Christian living V. Style and Structure: V. Style and Structure: A. Jewish moral sermon A. Jewish moral sermon B. Series of exhortations addressing their problems B. Series of exhortations addressing their problems C. Many references to nature 1:6, 10, 11, 17, 21; 3:3, 4, 5, 7, 11; 5:7 C. Many references to nature 1:6, 10, 11, 17, 21; 3:3, 4, 5, 7, 11; 5:7
VI. Problems: A. Acceptance into NT (Antilegomena) “against”/”spoken” A. Acceptance into NT (Antilegomena) “against”/”spoken” 1. Questioned by Western early church 1. Questioned by Western early church 2. Re-questioned by Luther 2. Re-questioned by Luther B. “Faith without works is dead” seems to contradict Paul’s teaching of saved by faith alone. B. “Faith without works is dead” seems to contradict Paul’s teaching of saved by faith alone.