Created By: Willy McCoy
Why Determine Correct Mailing Address? Applying the correct mailing address is very important If you apply the wrong address, confidential information might get into the wrong hands This could result in loosing your job
Looking Up Zip Codes Web sites online Phone Book In the front of the phone book is a list of the cities and their zip codes
Not sure about the mailing address? Call and confirm address with the receiver of the mail The address will be posted next to the company name in the phone book
USPS USPS stands for United States Postal Service Packages dropped off at your local post office are picked up daily by the USPS and delivered Packages are usually delivered in two to three days USPS has strict package size and weight restrictions
UPS “What Can Brown Do For You?” UPS stands for United Postal Service UPS may take up to two weeks to deliver a package Delivers any reasonable size package
Overnight Express Overnight express is the fastest a letter can travel If you use overnight express then the plane fly’s at night instead of stopping Overnight express is more expensive You would use this if you were late on sending the package or you were short on time To determine the cost, they check the size, weight, and distance the package must go the website of the
Tracking Packages Go to the website Examples Enter the tracking code Click the track button Location of package will be given