UNT Faculty Information System Training Digital Measures – Activity Insight System Direct questions to: Faculty.Info@unt.edu
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Faculty Information System Main Page
Faculty Information System Main Page Cont.
General Information
Click Save Personal & Contact Information Enter your personal information in the fields to the right Enter if applicable Read Only Prepopulated with UNT email address Be sure to “Click” Save before going to next section.
Personal and Contact Information – Section Two Please only include professional, work-related websites Liaisons, please monitor this page to ensure only professional sites are added. Links should not lead to personal business sites or sites that do not conform to UNT standards.
Personal and Contact Information – Section Three Enter a brief short professional biography Describe in detail your individual teaching interest(s) Describe in detail your individual research interest Enter name of Endowed Position (leave blank if not applicable) CHOOSE SAVE WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE STEPS ABOVE. Key Words Recorded as Brief Biography, Teaching Interest(s), or Research Interest(s) Submit Professional Photographs to College/Department Liaison for Approval
View Permanent Data You do not have access to modify the fields on this screen. If changes are needed, please send requests to Faculty.Info@unt.edu
View Yearly Data You do not have access to modify the fields on this screen. If changes are needed, please send requests to Faculty.Info@unt.edu
Edit Academic, Government, Military and Professional Positions Experience Type: Click on arrow and select: Example (Academic – Post- Secondary; Academic – P12; Professional; Military; Government) College or Office: (Example-Department of English) Department: (Example-English and American Literature) University/Organization: (Employer) Title/Rank/Position: (Teaching Assistant) Provide a brief description of the position Provide start and end dates
Administrative Assignments Click Position/Role: Director, Assistant Dean, Dean, Department Chairperson Scope: College, Department, University Enter Appropriate Number of Hours Briefly provide assignments description/responsibilities. For additional assignments “Click” Save + Add Another Button in top right. Note: Please be sure to complete all entries. If entry was for one day enter item into End Date, otherwise it will automatically enter “Current”
Awards and Honors Enter Name of Award or Honor Enter Organization/Sponsor Purpose: Leadership, Teaching, Scholarship/Research, Service Community, Service Professional, Service University Nominated or Received Scope: International, National, Regional, State, Local, University, College, Department Brief Description/Explanation on Award or Honor Provide Full Date Information If entry was for one day enter item into End Date, otherwise it will automatically enter “Current”
Consulting Type: (Example-Academic, For-Profit Organization, Government, Litigation, Non-Government Organization NGOs, Other) Client/Organization/Location Compensated or Pro Bono: Yes or No Amount/Appropriate Number of Hours Role: Principal Investigator, Co-Principal, Supporting Enter brief description of project and start/end dates Non-profit funding If entry was for one day enter item into End Date, otherwise it will automatically enter “Current”
Education Degree: Use drop down menu and select appropriate level of education Type in Institution, Location of Institution, Emphasis/Major, Supporting Areas of Emphasis Type in Title of Dissertation (if applicable) Honor/Distinction: (Example- Cum laude, Magna cum laude, Summa cum laude) Answer Yes/No to whether this is the highest degree you have earned and year completed
External Connections and Partnerships Type: (Example-Speaker, Field trip, Funding and Recruiting) Name of Organization/City/State Contact Information for Organization Brief Description: Presentation/Proposal Enter Date
Faculty Development Activities Attended Enter Activity Type: (Conference Attendance, Continuing Education Program, Faculty Internship, Faculty Fellowship, Self Study Program, Seminar, Tutorial, Workshop, Other.) Enter Full Title of Event Enter Sponsoring Organization Enter City, State, or Country Enter Number of Credit Hours Received Enter Number of Hours Spent Per Year (if applicable) Brief Description of Event Start/End Dates If entry was for one day enter item into End Date, otherwise it will automatically enter “Current”
Licensures and Certifications Enter Licensure/Certification Titles, Sponsoring Organization, Scope (International, National, Regional, State, Local), Brief Description, and Date Obtained and Expiration Date
Media Appearances and Interviews Enter: Media Type: Click (TV Radio, Newspaper, Magazine, Internet, Other, Full Title of Article/Segment, Media Name, Brief Description) Enter: Website Name, Address, Publication/Air Date
Professional Memberships If entry was for one day enter item into End Date, otherwise it will automatically enter “Current” Enter Name of Organization, Positions Held, Type of Organization, Scope (International, National, Regional, State Local, Brief Description and Start/End Dates
Workload Information You do not have access to modify the fields on this screen. If changes are needed, please contact your College/Department Liaison.
Legacy- Editorships Click Here By Checking the “Activity Recorded on non-Legacy Screen” box it indicates that the information has been transferred to a permanent screen. ***Only Check When All Information has been Recorded in Permanent Screen*** The Legacy Screens are “Read Only”. Use the PasteBoard to transfer Legacy information to a different section. See Slide 28 for PasteBoard Information.
Legacy- Field Experience Click Here By Checking the “Activity Recorded on non-Legacy Screen” box it indicates that the information has been transferred to a permanent screen. ***Only Check When All Information has been Recorded in Permanent Screen*** The Legacy Screens are “Read Only”. Use the PasteBoard to transfer Legacy information to a different section. See Slide 28 for PasteBoard Information.
Legacy- Renowned Teachers Click Here By Checking the “Activity Recorded on non-Legacy Screen” box it indicates that the information has been transferred to a permanent screen. ***Only Check When All Information has been Recorded in Permanent Screen*** The Legacy Screens are “Read Only”. Use the PasteBoard to transfer Legacy information to a different section. See Slide 28 for PasteBoard Information.
Legacy- Additional Information The Legacy Screens are “Read Only”. Use the PasteBoard to transfer Legacy information to a different section. See Slide 28 for PasteBoard Information. Click Here By Checking the “Activity Recorded on non-Legacy Screen” box it indicates that the information has been transferred to a permanent screen. ***Only Check When All Information has been Recorded in Permanent Screen***
PasteBoard The PasteBoard allows you to copy up to 4K of text from another document, such as your vita in Microsoft Word, and paste it into the PasteBoard. After you have pasted text into the PasteBoard, you can then select text from it, click-and-hold on the text you selected, and drag it into a system field to paste it into that field. As long as no more than 4K of text is in the PasteBoard, the text entered there will be maintained as a user moves from screen to screen or even between utilities within Activity Insight. To remove this text, simply delete information. The PasteBoard can be resized and moved to different position. The PasteBoard can be closed and reopened and the information will still be available until it is deleted.
Academic Advising Enter Academic Year (from dropdown) Enter the total number of Undergraduate Students you advised Enter the total number of Graduate Students you advised Approximate number of hours spent advising per the year. Brief overall description of advising activities.
Directed Student Learning (e.g. theses, dissertation) Involvement Type: Directed Individual/Independent Study, Dissertation Committee Chair/Member, Dissertation Defense Committee Chair/Member, Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair/Member, Internship Advisor, etc. Student’s First & Last Name, and Home Department Course Prefix and Number Number of Credit Hours Title of Student’s Work Stage of Completion: Completed, In-Process, Proposal Any comments necessary Date Started/Completed
Non-Credit Instruction Taught Enter Instruction Type: Audience: Internal/External to UNT Sponsoring Organization Name Number of Participates Academic or Professional Instruction Brief Description of Instruction Date: (start/end)
Scheduled Teaching This screen displays courses being taught. You do not have access to modify the fields on this screen. If changes are needed, please send requests to Faculty.Info@unt.edu
Legacy- Other Teaching The Legacy Screens are “Read Only”. Use the PasteBoard to transfer Legacy information to a different section. See Slide 28 for PasteBoard Information. Click Here By Checking the “Activity Recorded on non-Legacy Screen” box it indicates that the information has been transferred to a permanent screen. ***Only Check When All Information has been Recorded in Permanent Screen***
Artistic and Professional Performances and Exhibits Scroll down list for Type of Work Enter Exhibit Title, Name of Group (if applicable), Sponsor, and Performers/Exhibitors/ Lecturers Information List of Names
Artistic and Professional Performances and Exhibits….Continued Select (Academic/Non-Academic Scope: International, National, Regional, State, Local Peer Reviewed/Refereed: Yes/No Selected Invited or Accepted Select Audition/Commission/Competition/Invitation Brief Description of Event
Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research Type: Contract, Fellowship, Grant, Sponsored Research Title of Contract, Fellowship, Grant, Sponsored Research Sponsoring & Awarding Organization List of Investigators Amount Brief Abstract Current Status: Currently Under Review, Funded, Unfunded Project Status: Active, Complete, Pending Expected Date for Submission for Funding and Date for Submitted for Funding Start/End Date of Funding
Intellectual Contributions Contribution Type: Abstracts and Proceedings, Book/Chapter/Review, to Other. Current Status: In preparation – Not Yet Submitted, to Published. Drop Down Contains a Listing of all Journal Names or if necessary “Not Listed”
Intellectual Contributions Section Two Audience of Circulation: International, National, Regional, State, Local Please complete all other entries as they pertain to contribution type.
BibTex There is a good chance your publications are already stored in another software system such as a reference manager (Endnote, Refworks, Zotero) or a database (Google Scholar, PubMed, Web of Science). Instead of rekeying those citations into this system, you can simply import them using the options below. Option A
Biographical Sketch- NIH NSF
Intellectual Property (e.g., copyrights, patents) Position Detecting System and Method Patent or Copyright Patent Type: Provisional or Regular Patent Nationality: United States or Patent Cooperation Treaty If Patent Cooperation Treaty, List all Nations Provide Brief Description U.S. No. 5,280,457 Provide all inventor(s) information, as well as whom the patent is licensed/assigned to. F. Figueroa and E. Barbieri F. Figueroa and E. Barbieri
Presentations Presentation Type: Demonstration, Exhibit, Keynote/Plenary Address, Lecturer, Oral Presentation, Paper, Poster, Project, Symposium. Meeting Type: Conference, Panel, Roundtable, Seminar, Session, Workshop, Other
Research Currently in Progress Enter all information in the boxes provided. Title of Research Brief Description Website Name/Address Provide names of all collaborators Status: Planning, Ongoing, Writing Results Research Type: Scholarly – Non Scholarly
Legacy- Peer-Reviewer Activities The Legacy Screens are “Read Only”. Use the PasteBoard to transfer Legacy information to a different section. See Slide 28 for PasteBoard Information. Click Here By Checking the “Activity Recorded on non-Legacy Screen” box it indicates that the information has been transferred to a permanent screen. ***Only Check When All Information has been Recorded in Permanent Screen***
Legacy- Research and Expertise The Legacy Screens are “Read Only”. Use the PasteBoard to transfer Legacy information to a different section. See Slide 28 for PasteBoard Information. Click Here By Checking the “Activity Recorded on non-Legacy Screen” box it indicates that the information has been transferred to a permanent screen. ***Only Check When All Information has been Recorded in Permanent Screen***
University Service Type: Department, College, University List name of Committee Position/Role: Attendee Award Ceremony/Convocation/Graduation/Meeting /Orientation, Chairman, Committee Chair/Member, to Workshop Organizer. Institution: UNT or Other Were you elected or appointed Compensated or Pro bono Served Ex-Officio: Yes or No Brief Description or Responsibilities and Committee’s Key Accomplishments Start/End Dates
Professional/Public Drop Down contain a complete listing of Positions/Roles Provide all other additional information as requested. Be sure to save once you have filled in all of your information
Professional/Public Drop Down contain a complete listing of Positions/Roles Provide all other additional information as requested. Be sure to save once you have filled in all of your information
Legacy- Committee Click Here The Legacy Screens are “Read Only”. Use the PasteBoard to transfer Legacy information to a different section. See Slide 28 for PasteBoard Information. By Checking the “Activity Recorded on non-Legacy Screen” box it indicates that the information has been transferred to a permanent screen. ***Only Check When All Information has been Recorded in Permanent Screen***
Legacy- Professional Community Engagement Click Here The Legacy Screens are “Read Only”. Use the PasteBoard to transfer Legacy information to a different section. See Slide 28 for PasteBoard Information. By Checking the “Activity Recorded on non-Legacy Screen” box it indicates that the information has been transferred to a permanent screen. ***Only Check When All Information has been Recorded in Permanent Screen***
Questions? For questions regarding FIS operation or to have information added to an account please contact: Faculty.Info@unt.edu Academic Resources- 940-565-2550 For information or questions regarding FIS training please contact: Mike.Gutierrez@unt.edu 940-565-3512