GMBA Thesis Workshop Thesis Workshop Professor Chan-Jane Lin Director, GMBA Program November 25, 2015
Find Your Advisor Your advisor must be a full-time professor at the College of Management; if you choose an adjunct professor, then you must find a co-advisor who is a full-time professor It is highly recommended that students find their advisors by as early as July 31 st following their first year ( The Advisor Agreement Form may be found on the GMBA website ) You can find full-time faculty research fields from department website
Your thesis choice Business Plan Case Formal or Empirical-based Thesis
Business Plan-1 Ideal for students interested in forming a plan towards a set of business goals Objective is to convince potential investors that these business goals are attainable A full business plan is not expected (refer to the Thesis Guidebook for more details)
Business Plan-2 Executive summary Background of enterprise Products and service Market analysis Marketing plan Operating procedure Organization management Operating plan Financial plan Accounting and budget Information management Project management team Exit strategy Risk management
Case Address business issues using a real company as an example. Usually include Motivation and purpose Literature review (optional) Company background and issues faced Case analysis based on theories and data or evidence gathered Recommendations
Empirical-based Thesis Ideal for students interested in research topics that aren’t necessarily commercially viable. Usually include Introduction (motivations and purposes) Literature review and hypothesis development Research design – data and empirical models (need statistical background) Results and Analysis Conclusion
Thesis Preparation For how long? Meet and discuss with your advisor on a regular basis. Follow standard formatting (refer to the Thesis Guidebook ) Resources are available at the library Database (TEJ, CSMAR, COMPUSTAT, CRSP, DataStream…) Electronic journals prior thesis
Key successful factors Keep close contact with your advisor and follow his/her advice Find topic that motives and benefits you most Focus on a specific topic or issue. Small is beautiful. Find good thesis examples as your benchmark Apply management knowledge and skills Take advantage of resources at NTU Be patient and persistent. No pain no gain.
Graduation Application All credit requirements must be met (completed core courses & elective courses) You must submit hard copies of the following to the GMBA Office: Graduation Application Form Online Transcript Course Selection Results of the Current Semester (only if enrolled in classes during graduation semester) Credit Approval Form Refer to the GMBA website for all the forms
Oral Defense – Time & Venue The venue shall be at the NTU College of Management. Once a time is verified with your advisor, the conference room reservation may be made with the office (room bookings are based on availability).
Oral Defense Please prepare the following documents (typed): 1)The Thesis Oral Defense Pay-List 2)Thesis Oral Defense Grade Form 3)Master Thesis Certification 4)Master Thesis Oral Defense Committee Member List 5)NTU College of Management Master Thesis Post-Evaluation Form 6)Payment Information Form for the Committee Member from OUTSIDE NTU (if necessary) Please submit all documents to the GMBA office prior to the oral defense for verification Thesis oral defense payments are covered by the university
Important Reminders Please read the Thesis Guidebook carefully from beginning to end All forms may be found on the Global MBA website:
Detailed Steps Decided Thesis or Business Plan Find your Advisor Spring semester: January 31 st Fall semester: July 31 st Find your Advisor Spring semester: January 31 st Fall semester: July 31 st Thesis/Business Plan preparation Graduation Application Spring semester: April 30 th Fall semester: December 1 st Graduation Application Spring semester: April 30 th Fall semester: December 1 st Oral Defense Spring semester: July 31 st Fall semester: February 2 nd Oral Defense Spring semester: July 31 st Fall semester: February 2 nd Submission and Departure Procedures Spring semester: July 31 st Fall semester: February 2 nd Submission and Departure Procedures Spring semester: July 31 st Fall semester: February 2 nd Graduation Application Withdraw Spring semester: July 31 st Fall semester: February 2 nd Graduation Application Withdraw Spring semester: July 31 st Fall semester: February 2 nd