Provided by ACT-IAC Small Business Shared Interest Group (SIG) 10 Great Tips to Increase Your Chances of Success at Matchmaking Events
1 – Do Your Homework At a minimum, review the Company’s website before attending the event to become familiar with the Company’s capabilities. Visit their News page. Conduct a web search for current newsworthy events, such as recent contract awards promotions, acquisitions, etc.
2 – Dress Up A two-piece matched suit is always the safest choice. Whatever you wear, make certain that it is clean, pressed, well fitting, and stain free.
3 – Watch Your Body Language Establish eye contact while making your initial introduction and maintain good eye contact throughout the session. Smile when appropriate. Exercise good posture by sitting up straight; avoid slouching.
4 – Give a Firm Handshake A handshake is more than just a greeting. It is also a message about your personality and confidence level. In business, a firm handshake is a very important tool in making the right first impression.
5 – Practice Your Pitch Whatever you say, make sure your message is concise, sincere, and easy to understand. This is accomplished through lots of practice: in the mirror, in the car, wherever. Make it about what you can do for them.
6 – Use the Body Language You See Don’t just listen with your ears. Listen with your eyes. Watch for body language that indicates whether the Company representative is interested, has a question, or wants to change the topic.
7 – Connect the Dots Align your capabilities and past performance to your target company. Examples include: Creating a meatball chart that lists the Company’s major capabilities along one axis of a matrix and your firm’s major projects along the other axis. Filling in the cells with either a check mark or with dollar values, prime/sub status, clients, etc. This will make it much easier for the Company to evaluate your value as a potential teaming partner and determine where your firm might fit in.
8 – Bring Deals to the Table Bring a short list of opportunities that your research has determined you want the Company to consider jointly pursuing. Go down the list and identify what you bring to the table (e.g., client intimacy, winning solution, pricing strategy, key personnel, incumbent status) etc.
9 – Make Yourself Memorable Not only do you want the Company to remember most of what you said; equally important, you want them to remember how you made them feel. Be original
10 – Cast Your Net Matchmaking events present great opportunities to introduce your firm to potential small business teaming partners. Social networking, in person as well as online, is one of the most effective ways to help grow your business.