21/10/2008SPS Knowledge society and human wellbeing GE 301 Science, Technology and Society Ahmet Ş Üçer
21/10/2008SPS Contents Questions Global solidarity Globalization and Knowledge Society Analysis of Model Requirements The role of nation state Knowledge society norms Human Wellbeing Questions Feedback
21/10/2008SPS Social development cultural development innovation economic development institutional stability and trust Conclusion
21/10/2008SPS Conclusion THIS MODEL WILL REQUIRE: Massive technological upgrading of countries Dramatic investment in the education system Worldwide network of science and technology NEEDS SCIENTIFIC THINKING, THE USE OF HUMAN INTELLECT and GLOBAL ETHICS
21/10/2008SPS Questions 1.Can developing countries become big producers in the globalized world? 2.Is the purpose of Nation-State reduce in globalized knowledge society?
21/10/2008SPS Global solidarity Global economics Global finance Global politics Global culture Global ethics Why not Global Solidarity
21/10/2008SPS Globalization and Knowledge Society Create knowledge Store knowledge Exploit knowledge Share knowledge Four pillars of knowledge management Upgrading of ICT Investment in education system network of science and technology Investment in education system Upgrading of ICT network of science and technology
21/10/2008SPS Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Computers Broadband (xDSL, cable modem) Bandwidth (frequency range) Mobile Phones Speed of Communication and reliability
21/10/2008SPS ICT Indicators
21/10/2008SPS ICT Indicators
21/10/2008SPS Network Readiness Index
21/10/2008SPS Network readiness index Denmark Sweden Switzerland USA Turkey 55 th
21/10/2008SPS Break
21/10/2008SPS Education Innovation – judged society Educated individual should –Have the ability to acquire and utilize knowledge –Focus on abstract concepts –Approach holistically rather than discrete –Be a Symbolic Analyst (knowledge worker)
21/10/2008SPS Education Increased quantity of scientifically and technically trained persons Accreditation of education programs –National (MUDEK) –International (ABET, ENAEE)
21/10/2008SPS Applied Research Technology Development Prototyping Production Fundamental Research RTO Technology Development System Development & Demonstration Production Operations & Support - Concept Refinement TRL Innovation Process & Research RTO focus is principally fundamental and applied research- “precompetitive”
21/10/2008SPS Worldwide network of Research Collaboration in research and technology is the key –Framework programs 4 – 7 –ERA - link –ERAWATCH –Bilateral research agreements –COST –Transatlantic alliances (NATO, UNESCO)
21/10/2008SPS Knowledge Gap Inside nations Between nations Percentage for R&T from GDP Codified knowledge For innovation tacit knowledge Need to do research and development
21/10/2008SPS Economic globalization analogy of Friedman Free market economy, Hardware Broad macroeconomic policies of a country, Operating system DOScapital 0 – 6 (depending on the involvement of the nation state in the economy) Rule of law, Software. The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization by Thomas L. FriedmanThomas L. Friedman
21/10/2008SPS Can virtue bring profit? Deregulated Business ‘Business’ and ‘ethics’ can they live together? ‘in business there is one social responsibility; to do profitable activities using social resources’ Milton Freedman We can not expect global ethics
21/10/2008SPS Deceit, Cheat, Theft Regulated business with Rule of Law To avoid punishment Cooperation's prefer management with ethical values Not to be disgraced in the hands of Non- Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) Unethical and bad management becoming evening news of CNN! (Free Press) John Maynard Keynes
21/10/2008SPS Knowledge society norms in globalized world Economical How wired is your country or company? Is your country or company Shaper or Adapter? How fast are you? How heavy you are? Managerial Can you change management? Are you ready to get rid of the failures?
21/10/2008SPS Knowledge society norms in globalized world Educational How well your country or company is managing knowledge? How much the county spend on education Social How transparent to outside and inside? How good are you in making friends? How prominent your country or company in ethical values? How reliable is your country or company?
21/10/2008SPS Nation state Transparency Standards (accounting principles) Corruption free Free press Bond and stock markets Democratization Honesty and ethics
21/10/2008SPS Break
21/10/2008SPS Human Wellbeing GDP (PPP) per capita –Material well being Other indicators –Social –Freedom of choice –Security Paul Krugman Joseph Stiglitz
21/10/2008SPS Human Wellbeing (social indicators) Food supplies per capita Infant mortality Child labor Life expectancy at birth Educational levels, litracy rates Access to safe water sanitation
21/10/2008SPS Human wellbeing (freedom of choice) Adherence to the rule of law, Government transparency, Economic freedom, Political freedom. Cultural freedom
21/10/2008SPS Youth Bulge (Security) /
21/10/2008SPS Rapid Urban Growth (Security) /
21/10/2008SPS Cropland and Fresh Water (Security)
21/10/2008SPS Civil Conflict (Security) /
21/10/2008SPS Questions 1.Can developing countries become big producers in the globalized world? 2.Is the purpose of Nation-State reduce in the globalized knowledge society?
21/10/2008SPS Globalization Index Globalization index Degree of integration –Economic integration –Personal contact –Technological connectivity –Political engagement A.T. Kearney consulting firm (foreign policy) releses globalizatin index of 72 countries Singapure first, Hong Kong, Netherlands Turkey 65 th
21/10/2008SPS Last word “Solidarity in a globalized world means global solidarity. And it also means inter- generational solidarity. Our planet is our only home, and we would not like the grandchildren of our grandchildren to be homeless” Manuel Castells
21/10/2008SPS feedback Take out a piece of paper and write –What you understand best –What you do not understand