Harry Yao and Adesh Dasani WWII and Aftermath Harry Yao and Adesh Dasani
Who Allies against the axis: British, Americans, French, Poles, Brazilians, Canadians, Indians, and British and French African, Soviet Union (Russia). Axis: Germany, Hungary, Austria, Italy.
1939 to 1945 The countries in war are: The European Theater 1939 to 1945 The countries in war are: Allies: Soviet Union Great Britain United States France Poland Axis: Italy Germany Austria
What Happened? A Time line(1939-1942) before D-Day !939 Sep. 1 Germany Invades Poland. 1939 Sep.3 Great Britain, and France declare war on Germany . 1939 Nov. 30 Soviet forces invade Finland. Starting the winter war. It ended in the defeat of Finland in March 30,1940 1940 April 9 Germany invades Norway and Denmark. 1940 June 10 In Italy, Mussolini declares war on Great Britain and France. 1940 June 22 Hitler signs an armistice with France at Compiegne. 1940 Sep. 7 Luftwaffe begin nightly bombing of London. 1940 September 27 The Tripartite Pact is signed by Japan, Italy, and Germany, formalizing the Axis alliance 1941 Oct. 2 German forces launch Operation Typhoon. 1941 December 7 Japanese planes attack the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; the following day the United States declares war on Japan and enters World War II. 1942 May 12 A Soviet counterattack against the Germans at Kharkov. 1942 June 28 The Germans launch Operation Blue in the Soviet Union, pressing forward on the eastern front.
North Africa ONLY land based fighting before the invasion of Sisley. D-Day Over 150,000 allied troops landed on a 50 mile starch of beach, Normandy, France. June 6 1944 The Invasion begins. Utah, Omaha- is being raided by U.S Gold, Sword-is being raided by Great Britain Juno-Is being raided by Canada
After D-Day 1944 Dec. 16 The Battle of the Bulge begins, it is a major German offensive. German army was retreating, No one have expected this major counter offensive. This offensive, which failed. Put the German army in a very bad position. This lead to the surrender of the Germany. The surrender documents were singed at Soviet Marshall Zhukov's headquarters in Berlin.
The Pacific theater United States, Great Britain China Vs. Japan
The Battle for the Philippines, Bataan death march. 1941-1942 The battle for the Philippines. The battle which the United states lost. After the surrender, Japanese force the prisoners to a prison camp called camp O’Dennell .
Battle for Midway The turning point of the pacific theater. Battle for a air strip in the midway island. Japan had all most all of there air craft carrier fleets destroyed.
why did Japanese surrender? 1945 sep 2. Japan sign surrender documents aboard the U.S. battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay 2nd Japan lost the island of Okinawa, which means us can bomb and have bomber escorts. 1st The Weapon of mass distraction.
After WWII WWII ended with great loses. WWII had reach havoc on the people of Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and Russia. Because of the large amount of German attacking Soviet Union (Russia), she was able to build up a large army. One which would rival the United States. German had also lost WWII, because of the engineering perfection they want to achieve. It is want cased there tanks to break down. But in the good hand, they have created the jet, and other technology.
Works Cited ABC-CLIO Social Studies Databases: Login. Web. 20 Oct. 2009. <http://www.usatwar.abc-clio.com/Wars/Display.aspx?warid=9.> "American Experience | D-Day | Did You Know?" PBS. Web. 20 Oct. 2009. <http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/dday/sfeature/sf_info.html>. "Battle of Midway." Willamette University. Web. 20 Oct. 2009. <http://www.willamette.edu/~rloftus/midwaypage.html>. "The Battle of the Bulge." HistoryLearning Site. Web. 20 Oct. 2009. <http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/battle_of_the_bulge.htm>. Effects of WWII. Web. 19 Oct. 09. <http://www2.sunysuffolk.edu/westn/effectww2.html#Non-European%20World>. "The Fall of the Philippines-Chapter 2." U.S. Army Center Of Military History. Web. 20 Oct. 2009. <http://www.history.army.mil/books/wwii/5-2/5-2_2.htm#p25>. "Invasion of Normandy - Map - MSN Encarta." MSN Encarta : Online Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Atlas, and Homework. Web. 20 Oct. 2009. <http://encarta.msn.com/media_461530160_761563737_-1_1/Invasion_of_Normandy.html>. Military. Web. 19 Oct. 09. <http://www.qohldrs.co.uk/assets/images/Bulge_map.jpg>. "Military.com Resources." Benefiting the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard - Military.com. Web. 20 Oct. 2009. <http://www.military.com/Resources/ResourceFileView?file=worldwarii_asia_maps.htm>. "WWII Behind Closed Doors: Stalin, the Nazis and the West . Timeline |." PBS. Web. 20 Oct. 2009. <http://www.pbs.org/behindcloseddoors/timeline/index.html>.
Picture cited http://www.qohldrs.co.uk/assets/images/Bulge_map.jpg http://z.about.com/d/africanhistory/1/0/C/7/WW2MapNorthAfricaJune1940.jpg http://www.topedge.com/panels/ww2/na/pziii.jpg http://www.topedge.com/panels/ww2/na/sherman.jpg http://www.topedge.com/panels/ww2/na/mtilda2.jpg http://www.military.com/Resources/ResourceFileView?file=worldwarii_europe_maps_map78.htm http://www.military.com/Resources/ResourceFileView?file=worldwarii_asia_maps_map15.htm