Parliamentary Procedure
Let’s look at how we can make sense of this game called “Parliamentary Procedure”.
Making Parliamentary Procedure Practical Keep it simple Have an agenda Delegate roles Use time efficiently
Define Purpose Establish Agenda Determine Roles Discuss Make Decision
Steps in Making a Decision... Group clarifies purpose Agree on the agenda Determine Roles – Moderator, recorder, time keeper, parliamentarian, reporter Moderator opens floor for brainstorming
Steps in Making a Decision... Member presents one idea as a motion Another member seconds it Chair restates it for the group Group discusses merit of that one idea Chair calls for a vote Chair announces results
Steps in Making a Motion Member: Mr. Chairman Chair: (Recognizes Member) Member: I move that we... Another member: I second it. Chair: It has been moved and seconded to...Is there any discussion?
Steps in Making a Motion Member 1: I think we should do this because... Member 2: I don’t think we should because etc. Chair: Is there any further discussion. If not, all those in favor say aye.. Oppose no. Chair: The motion is (adopted or defeated). We (will or will not)...
What if.. We want to change the motion?
Steps in Making a Motion Member: Mr. Chairman Chair: (Recognizes Member) Member: I move that we AMEND the motion by (inserting a word, striking a word, or adding a word) Another member: I second it. Chair: It has been moved and seconded to amend the motion by... Is there any discussion?
Steps in Making a Motion Member 1: I think we should do this because... Member 2: I don’t think we should because etc. Chair: Is there any further discussion. If not, all those in favor say aye.. Oppose no. Chair: The motion is (adopted or defeated). We (will or will not)...
What if.. What if we want more information?
Steps in Making a Motion Member: Mr. Chairman Chair: (Recognizes Member) Member: I move that we REFER the motion to a committee. Another member: I second it. Chair: It has been moved and seconded to refer the motion to a committee...Is there any discussion?
Steps in Making a Motion Member 1: I think we should do this because... Member 2: I don’t think we should because etc. Chair: Is there any further discussion. If not, all those in favor say aye.. Oppose no. Chair: The motion is (adopted or defeated). We (will or will not)...
What if.. What if you are bored with the discussion?
Steps in Making a Motion Member: Mr. Chairman Chair: (Recognizes Member) Member: I move the PREVIOUS QUESTION. Another member: I second it. Chair: The previous question has been moved and seconded. We will now vote to end debate.
Steps in Making a Motion Chair: All those in favor stand. Oppose stand. Chair: Previous Question (adopted or defeated). If it fails, continue with discussion of the motion, if it passes, then vote directly on the motion. Chair: All those in favor say aye. Oppose say no. Chair: Motion (adopted or defeated).
What if.. What if we want to put off our decision?
Steps in Making a Motion Member: Mr. Chairman Chair: (Recognizes Member) Member: I move that we POSTPONE the motion until... Another member: I second it. Chair: It has been moved and seconded to...Is there any discussion?
Steps in Making a Motion Member 1: I think we should do this because... Member 2: I don’t think we should because etc. Chair: Is there any further discussion. If not, all those in favor say aye.. Oppose no. Chair: The motion is (adopted or defeated). We (will or will not)...
What if.. What if someone is breaking the rules?
Steps in Making a Motion Member: (without waiting to be recognized by the chair) Mr. Chairman, I RISE TO A POINT OF ORDER. Chair: State your point Member: (Tell who did what wrong) Chair: Point (well or not well) taken. Make correction or proceed.
What if.. What if the vote is too close to tell?
Steps in Making a Motion Member: (Without waiting to be recognized) DIVISION! Chair: A division has been called for. We will take a revote. All those in favor stand. Oppose stand. Chair: Motion (adopted or defeated) __ to __.