REMEMBER… If you don’t understand, use these signs:
6.A Practice sentences
Favorite can mean “prefer.” FAVORITE and TASTE are very similar. I do Taste on the bottom lip. Favor on the chin.
YOUR FAVORITE COLOR, WHAT? What is your favorite color?
NAME SOMETHING ITSELF BLACK WHITE “Name something that is black and white.”
YOU LIKE COLOR BROWN? Do you like the color brown?
The sign “ART” can mean “art in general” Or it can mean to draw something
YOU DRAW GOOD? Do you draw well?
YOU DIVORCE PAST? Have you ever been divorced?
The sign “finish” can mean: - have been - have you ever - did you - already - knock it off - are you done? - that’s all
YOU FINISH WATCH MOVIE “__________?” Have you seen the movie … [spell a popular movie]
YOU THINK FUTURE YOU TEACH ASL? Do you think that someday you will teach ASL?
YOUR CHAIR GREEN? Is your chair green?
If you use a “WH” question expression with the sign “OLD” it can mean “How old?” You don’t need a separate sign for “how” in this case.
OLD YOU? How old are you? vs “You are old.”
The sign ORANGE can be used for both the fruit and the color. Some older generations of signers did tend to have a separate sign but we will stick with the same sign for this class.
The sign “TASTE” is very similar to the sign favorite I do the sign TASTE on my lower lip. I do the sign “favor, favorite, preference, my type” on my chin. There is another way to sign “preference” that doesn’t mean favor.
YOU THINK ORANGE TASTE GOOD? Do you think oranges taste good?
Do the practice sheet. If the first partner gets done, have the second partner sign it. If you both get done, practice fingerspelling and vocabulary. One partner spells a previously learned vocabulary word, the other signs it back. SUGGEESTED PRACTICE WORDS: CAN-[able, may, possible], CAR/[ DRIVE], CHURCH, COMPUTER DOCTOR/[nurse], , GIVE-[hand to], HOME, INTERNET, IN/[OUT]-[enter, inside, within, outside], MOVIE, PLAY-(TOYS, party), PUT-[put-on, put-away, move], SIT-[chair, anxious], STAND, STAY, STORE, VIDEO, WALK-TO-[walk], WATCH, WITH-[in-front-of, behind, follow, catch-up, chase, fall-behind, accompany, together, go-with, go-steady, race, compete, subordinate] (5) If you get done with the practice sheet and the above vocabulary review, inform your teacher. NOTE: Most people will not finish before I move on to the next section. That is OKAY! Just work at your own speed.
6.B Practice sheet
1. CITY YOU LIVE? In what city do you live?
2. HOW-LONG YOU LIVE INDEX- (point off to the side) How long have you lived there?
3. YOU WANT GO HOME NOW? Do you want to go home now?
paper vs school vs clean/nice vs clean up
4. WHAT COLOR YOUR PAPER? What color is your paper?
5. YOU LIVE BIG CITY PAST? Have you ever lived in a big city?
CAR VS DRIVE DRIVE can be modified many ways. “CAR” is often spelled out.
6. YOU LIKE RED CAR? Do you like red cars?
7. TOMORROW YOU GO SCHOOL? Are you going to school tomorrow?
WAIT vs “Wait a long time.” SIT vs ANXIOUS vs CHAIR Doctor (version 1) Doctor (version 2)
8. YOU GO DOCTOR, WAIT-(long), YOU SIT-(anxious)? Do you get anxious when you wait a long time at the doctors office?
MOVE vs “Move to here”
9. WHEN YOU MOVE-(to here)? When did you move here?
YEAR (version 1) YEAR (version 2) HERE
10. HOW-MANY YEAR YOU LIVE HERE? How many years have you lived here?
Do the practice sheet. If the first partner gets done, have the second partner sign it. If you both get done, practice fingerspelling and vocabulary. One partner spells a previously learned vocabulary word, the other signs it back. SUGGEESTED PRACTICE WORDS: BLACK, BLUE, BROWN, COLOR, DRAW-[art], FINISH, FUTURE-[later, will, someday, far in the future], GREEN, LONG-[how-long], NOW-[present, current, today], OLD, ORANGE, PAPER-[page, look-up, dictionary], PAST- [before, previously, long-ago], RED, TOMORROW-[daily, everyday], WAIT-[wait-a-minute], WHEN WHITE-[white-person], YEAR-[annually, last-year, next- year, numerical incorporation], YELLOW (6) If you get done with the practice sheet and the above vocabulary review, inform your teacher.