Cardio-vascular system is characterized of such hemo- dynamics factors : Myocardium contraction (cardiac factor). Cardio-vascular system participation in the blood transference (extra cardiac factor of vessel’s genesis). Metabolic processes influence on the blood circulation function (tissues metabolic factor). Additional (extra cardiac) blood circulation factors: a) muscles work – – – – ’’muscles pomp ”; b) joint’s movements; c) chest sticking action; d) intra cranial pressure changing at the diaphragm movements.
The main TE tasks at the diseases of cardio-vascular system: Myocardium strengthen. Myocardium strengthen. Peripheral blood circulation improvement, extra cardiac factors action strengthening. Peripheral blood circulation improvement, extra cardiac factors action strengthening. Coronary blood circulation improvement and metabolic processes normalization. Coronary blood circulation improvement and metabolic processes normalization. Patient general tone rising. Patient general tone rising. Cardio-vascular and others system training (for patient’s functional possibilities of an organism rising) Cardio-vascular and others system training (for patient’s functional possibilities of an organism rising) Compensations and adaptations patient’s blood circulation possibilities development. Compensations and adaptations patient’s blood circulation possibilities development.
Loading tests using for grounding of the permissible loading during physical culture classes Loading tests are conducted with the purpose reaction of investigated persons on the dosage physical loading study. Received information is analyzed in dynamic, patient’s functional state changing, results of treatment and physical training are estimated. Loading tests must have: a) sufficient power for finding of the latent IHD and latent cardiac insufficiency; b) sufficient information about cardio-vascular system state during and after loading; c) loading duration must be sufficient for stable functional indexes receiving; d) loading test must not be to much long.
TE Peculiarities at the hypertonic disease. TE is directed on the : Myocardium metabolic processes improving; Myocardium metabolic processes improving; Cardio-vascular and respiratory system adaptation possibilities to environment factors rising; Cardio-vascular and respiratory system adaptation possibilities to environment factors rising; Disorders of the exciting and inhibition processes normalization; Disorders of the exciting and inhibition processes normalization; Pathological connections and stagnation exciting foci removing; Pathological connections and stagnation exciting foci removing; Vasomotoric center function normalizing; Vasomotoric center function normalizing; Emotional condition improving; Emotional condition improving; Blood circulation improvement; Blood circulation improvement; Stagnation processes removing; Stagnation processes removing; Extra cardiac blood circulation factors stimulation; Extra cardiac blood circulation factors stimulation; Hypotensive medicines doses reduction. Hypotensive medicines doses reduction.
Self-relaxation. 1. I,p. – standing, sitting. full relaxing of right wrist,swinging by forearm. Wrist must hung free, naturally.The same actions do with left wrist.Then – both together.On turn. 2. I.p. – standing,sitting. fingers must be relaxed to the wax soft, every joint must be maximally free. 3. I.p. - sitting or laying. Shoulders hung free. Arm is bending in the elbow joint to 90 . Down it free,naturally.Then do movements with right and left arms on turn, then both arms together, then - combine wrist and fingers relaxing. 4. I.p. – standing, sitting, laying. straight arm to rise up, then free with relaxing let down.After this to repeat movements with right,left, both arms. Arms must move free, as ”hollow “ clothes gloves ”. 5. I.p. – standing, sitting. To swing by relaxing arms, as pendulum, then gradually do increasing and decreasing of swings (”hollow gloves on the wind ”). 6. I.p. – laying. Press with whole arm on the bed, then – let go, do it with right, left and both arms together. 7. I.p. – standing on the low raised place. Free swinging with hung leg,as pendulum,the same is repeating the other leg.
Example of the TE complex for patient’s with the hypertonic disease of the II stage on the hospital treatment (free mode ) №Initial positionScoreExercisesDosage (number of repeating ) Note 1Sitting on the chair,arms on knees To conduct arms to the side –inspiration I.p. – expiration 6-8Tempo slow 2Sitting on the chair,arms let down Inspiration Trunk inclination to the right, arm slides on the chair leg – expiration. I.p. 6-8 to every side Tempo slow 3Sitting on the chair,wrists on the knees Rise arms up and stand up from chair – inspiration, then rise up on the socks. I.p. – expiration. 6Tempo slow 4Sitting on the chair,arms on the knees Arms rise up – inspiration Free let down the arms through sides, inclining trunk ahead - expiration. 8Tempo average
10Standing, left arm rise up, right – let down 1-10 Swinging movements behind with straight arms, then change the arm’s position Repeat the same Tempo average, breathing arbitrary 11Standing, arms on the waist Circular trunk movements to the left Circular trunk movements to the right 6 to the every side Tempo slow 12Walking1212 Arms rise up – inspiration Then – let down through the sides - expiration. 8Tempo slow 13Standing Straight arms rise up – inspiration Trunk Inclining ahead,touching with arms of the floor – expiration I.p. 8Tempo average 14Sitting on the chair, arms on the knees Arms rise up – inspiration arms let down free through the sides, inclining the trunk ahead - expiration 8 Tempo average
Instructor and doctor conduct the medical control during the TE procedure : taking of pulse, breathing rate, AP measuring, supervision for the tiredness external signs (attention, sweatness, skin colour, movements coordination, patient’s complications ) PSAPAPBreathingTiredness signs Complaint s To loading After loadings After 3 min. After 5 min.