Library of Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology
About The library’s profile is heavily based on the fields of study covered in PJAIT. It consists of over books about information technology, mathematics, management, economy, history of art, Japanese culture and history, and also of Japanese fiction in Polish and English, and literature related to the new arts (graphics, vidya, movies etc.). The library also provides access to online libraries. We subscribe about 70 magazines, among them there are also ones in English. Some of them are also accessible online. There’s an archive of students’ thesis and dissertations as well. At the spot, you can use a computer; one of them has a scanner. The way the reading room is designed enables individual work as well as group work.
Basic rules You don’t have to sign up. Acceptance of the rules is included in your contract with the school. To borrow a book, you need to show your student’s ID and know the number of the book.
Lending procedure A student can borrow a book for three weeks. If the librarian allows it, you can borrow it for a longer time. But, you can only borrow three books at the same time. Check the book for damage while borrowing the book and tell the librarian about it, or else you may be deemed responsible for the said damage. When you borrow a book, you take responsibility of it’s state and admitting it back in time. If you admit the book past the given date, you’ll need to pay 0,50 PLN for each day of delay (if you borrow more than one book, for each one the penalty is separate). You need to pay the owed money in one month of time. If you have liabilities, you may not be able to borrow a book. Alternatively, you can give a book of the same value to the library – the title has to be accepted by a librarian. The students who are getting their diploma need to get their circulation card filled in the library as well – if you have any liabilities, you’ll have to cover them by then.
Reading room Anyone can use the reading room. The books that are available in the reading room are supposed to be used only there. CDs or DVDs that are attached to the available magazines, as well as the old issues of the magazines, can be lent for three days. In special cases, the librarian may lend a book that’s supposed to be used only in reading room for some specified time. If you want to see a thesis, you can do that only in the reading room as well. It’s forbidden to copy these. To be able to borrow it, you need to notify a librarian beforehand (preferably at least one day).
Reading room In the reading room, we’d like you to: Be quiet Refrain from eating Leave your jacket in one of the grey boxes Not unplug any hardware Keep being a cultured person and respect the right of the other readers to be able to work in a calm environment.
Catalogue The electronic catalogue The electronic catalogue can provide you information about all the: books, e-books, subscribed magazines, thesis, multimedia, documents on the social life. Film Thesis
Online libraries IBUK Libra IBUK Libra – it provides books of Polish publishers. Access to about 50 of books are bought by the library, and about 500 are available for free. EBLEBL – it provides publications of the most important worldwide publishers (professional, academic and scientific). To borrow a book, you absolutely need to provide an explanation.
Interlibrary loans As a reader of our library, you can also use the libraries of: Basic IT Institute of Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw University of Technology Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw Department of Information and Culture of the Embassy of Japan National Film Archive To lend a book from one of these libraries, you need an interlibrary loan request form, which you can get in our library. You can get up to 5 loan requests at the same time, and you need to admit them back after 2 months of time at most. Interlibrary loan request
Purchase suggestions Every student has a right to suggest a book the library should buy. To do that, you need to write the information about it in the black notebook that’s on the librarians’ desk. The required information is: author, title, publisher and year, ISSN/ISBN.
Scientific publications databases We provide an access to: Ebsco Elsevier: ScienceDirect database Springer Web o Knowledge, Web of Science Sometimes we also provide temporary access to different databases.
Where and when Opening hours: Monday-Thursday: 8:30-18:00 Friday: 8:30-17:00 Saturday: 10:00-16:00 Sunday: 10:00-15:00 Information about occasional opening hours changes are provided through and available on the website. Address: Room 14 in the A building ul. Koszykowa 86, 02 – 008 Warszawa tel. (22) The manager of the PJAIT library mgr Aneta Ługowska See you!