4 March 2009 Versatile Link Project Status F. Vasey on behalf of the project steering board With input from C. Issever J. Troska J. Ye. A. Prosser
4 March Some Lessons learned from LHC System System … Avoid use of single fibres and pigtails on detector Avoid use of single fibres and pigtails on detector Do not allow excessive fibre-slack without corresponding management scheme. Do not allow excessive fibre-slack without corresponding management scheme. Use ruggedized ribbon/fiber only. Use ruggedized ribbon/fiber only. … QA QA Develop and distribute tools which allow prototyping and testing Develop and distribute tools which allow prototyping and testing … Concept for SLHC: Pluggable Transceiver with electrical and optical connections Customized for HEP environment Standard for test systems and off detector
4 March LHC > SLHC Migration Path 0.1G10G Expertise Expertise Test Equipment Test Equipment Technology Technology Functionality Functionality Rad and Mag tolerance Rad and Mag tolerance Low mass Low mass Low power Low power Joint Project Joint Project 12k
4 March Versatile Link Project Description Optical Physical layer linking front- to back-end Optical Physical layer linking front- to back-end Bidirectional, ~5Gbps Bidirectional, ~5Gbps Versatile Versatile Multimode (850nm) and Singlemode (1310nm) versions Multimode (850nm) and Singlemode (1310nm) versions Point to Point and Point to Multipoint architectures Point to Point and Point to Multipoint architectures Joint Project Joint Project FE BE
4 March Optical Link Architectures Point-to- Point Point-to- Multipoint Passive Optical Network Best of Both Worlds?
4 March Project Structure and Partners Versatile Link Project Steering Board Spokesperson: F. Vasey W1 - System Link to GBT CERN, P. Moreira W2 - Components W1.1 – P2P SMU, J. Ye W1.2 – P2MW1.3 – Mixed W2.1 – Front-End CERN, J. Troska W2.2 – Back-End FNAL, A. Prosser W2.3 – Passive Oxford, C. Issever
4 March The Versatile Link Project Project proposal submitted to ATLAS and CMS SLHC upgrade steering groups in Nov07 Project proposal submitted to ATLAS and CMS SLHC upgrade steering groups in Nov07 Project endorsed by ATLAS and CMS in early 2008 Project endorsed by ATLAS and CMS in early 2008 Kick-off Meeting 10 Apr 2008 Kick-off Meeting 10 Apr 2008 phase 1 proof of concept based on tentative specifications, partial tests and early prototypes phase 1 proof of concept based on tentative specifications, partial tests and early prototypes duration: 18 months, till 30 Sep 09 duration: 18 months, till 30 Sep 09 Phase 2: feasibility demonstration based on complete specifications and exhaustive tests on final prototypes Phase 2: feasibility demonstration based on complete specifications and exhaustive tests on final prototypes Oct 09 – Apr11 Oct 09 – Apr11 Phase 3: pre-production readiness based on frozen specifications, and completed technical-commercial actions Phase 3: pre-production readiness based on frozen specifications, and completed technical-commercial actions Apr11 – Oct12 Apr11 – Oct12
4 March The Versatile Link Project phase 1 proof of concept based on tentative specifications, partial tests and early prototypes phase 1 proof of concept based on tentative specifications, partial tests and early prototypes duration: 18 months, till 30 Sep 09 duration: 18 months, till 30 Sep 09 WP2.1 Front end components: Versatile Transceiver WP2.3 Passive components WP2.2 Back end components WP1.1 System Concept for SLHC: Pluggable Transceiver with electrical and optical connections Customized for HEP environment Standard for test systems and off detector
4 March WP2.1 Versatile Transceiver VTRx J. Troska CERN Bi-directional Module with connector interface Bi-directional Module with connector interface Based upon an acknowledged standard Based upon an acknowledged standard Work with Industrial partner early-on Work with Industrial partner early-on Low Mass & Volume Low Mass & Volume Minimize material, avoid metals Minimize material, avoid metals Non-magnetic, capable of operating in a magnetic field Non-magnetic, capable of operating in a magnetic field Requires replacement of ferrite bead used in laser bias network Requires replacement of ferrite bead used in laser bias network MM 850nm & SM 1310nm versions MM 850nm & SM 1310nm versions Bitrate determined by ASICs: 5 – 10 Gbps Bitrate determined by ASICs: 5 – 10 Gbps
4 March WP 2.1 VTRx packaging: SFP+ ASICs ASICs Laser Driver (LDD) - GBLD Laser Driver (LDD) - GBLD TIA - GBTIA TIA - GBTIA LA - not foreseen (inc. in GBTIA) LA - not foreseen (inc. in GBTIA) No microcontroller No microcontroller TOSA - Rad Hard Laser TOSA - Rad Hard Laser ROSA - Rad Hard PIN + GBTIA ROSA - Rad Hard PIN + GBTIA Keep Std. Host board connector Keep Std. Host board connector Remove material from std. SFP+ housing Remove material from std. SFP+ housing Must test EMI tolerance and emission Must test EMI tolerance and emission No cage at FE, alternate fixing T.B.D. No cage at FE, alternate fixing T.B.D. Thermal impedance Thermal impedance LDD LA TOSA ROSA 50mm 14mm 10mm GBTIA and GBLD designed and produced TOSAs and ROSAs under evaluation Stripped TRx prototype being ordered
4 March WP 2.1 VTRx and TOSA Functionality Testing Automated Testing Automated Testing BER measured with FPGA-based BERT with TRx in loopback BER measured with FPGA-based BERT with TRx in loopback Power consumption measured in loopback configuration Power consumption measured in loopback configuration Figure of merit proposed to compare different devices Figure of merit proposed to compare different devices Standard method for providing bias to laser diode uses a network based on inductors Standard method for providing bias to laser diode uses a network based on inductors Magnetic field tolerance not guaranteed due to saturation of commonly used core materials Magnetic field tolerance not guaranteed due to saturation of commonly used core materials Custom design based on ceramic-core inductors proven to have excellent functionality at target bit-rate Custom design based on ceramic-core inductors proven to have excellent functionality at target bit-rate Evaluation of laser diode transfer characteristics started Evaluation of laser diode transfer characteristics started Enables correct matching of Laser Driver to Laser Enables correct matching of Laser Driver to Laser Provides key ingredient for Laser Driver design and functional simulation Provides key ingredient for Laser Driver design and functional simulation For details, see TWEPP08 Paper:
4 March WP 2.1 Radiation Testing VTRx laser and pin need to be tested for total dose, total fluence, SEU resistance VTRx laser and pin need to be tested for total dose, total fluence, SEU resistance Optical System Irradiation Guidelines established by opto WG Optical System Irradiation Guidelines established by opto WG Some data available from total fluence tests to SLHC levels, but none from SEU tests at Gbps bit rates Some data available from total fluence tests to SLHC levels, but none from SEU tests at Gbps bit rates Error Correction scheme (FEC) to be selected depends on typical SEU error pattern Error Correction scheme (FEC) to be selected depends on typical SEU error pattern SEU test carried out at PSI in December 2007, analysis of results presented at RADECS & TWEPP SEU test carried out at PSI in December 2007, analysis of results presented at RADECS & TWEPP Total fluence tests planed for mid-2009 Total fluence tests planed for mid-2009 Selection of candidate devices at 1310nm and 850nm ongoing Selection of candidate devices at 1310nm and 850nm ongoing
4 March Trend Trend Several orders of magnitude difference in response between devices - smallest device performs best Several orders of magnitude difference in response between devices - smallest device performs best ROSA (square symbols) not much worse than bare PINs ROSA (square symbols) not much worse than bare PINs BER independent of Data- rate for bare PINs BER independent of Data- rate for bare PINs At least in 1-2.5Gbps range At least in 1-2.5Gbps range Burst Errors observed Burst Errors observed max. 10-bits long in PINs max. 10-bits long in PINs max. 00’s bits long in ROSAs max. 00’s bits long in ROSAs Error correction and SEU mitigation mandatory Error correction and SEU mitigation mandatory WP 2.1 Dec 07 SEU Irradiation Test Results For details, see TWEPP08 Paper: MeV protons, 8x10 8 p/cm 2 /s
4 March WP2.3 Passive Components Phase 1 program: Phase 1 program: Irradiation testing Irradiation testing Mechanical testing (reliability) Mechanical testing (reliability) Environmental testing Environmental testing Components Components Fibers Fibers Cables Cables Connectors Connectors Splitters Splitters Mux Mux Legacy fiber, connectors, patch-panels Legacy fiber, connectors, patch-panels C.Issever Oxford fibre
4 March WP2.3 Passive Components: total dose irradiation tests (MM) Status: Status: Gamma irradiation test carried out to 700 kGy Gamma irradiation test carried out to 700 kGy 4 MM 850nm 4 MM 850nm MM fused taper splitter MM fused taper splitter SM LC-LC connectors SM LC-LC connectors Good first results obtained, identified 2 MM candidates Good first results obtained, identified 2 MM candidates Results paper in preparation Results paper in preparation MM
4 March WP2.3 Passive Components: total dose irradiation tests (SM) Status: Status: Gamma irradiation test carried out to 700 kGy Gamma irradiation test carried out to 700 kGy 1 SM 1310nm (SMF28) 1 SM 1310nm (SMF28) SM PLCC splitter SM PLCC splitter SM LC-LC connectors SM LC-LC connectors Results paper in preparation Results paper in preparation Mechanical stress tests started with SMF28 fibre Mechanical stress tests started with SMF28 fibre LHC-machine fiber irradiated to 1MGy: 5e -3 dB/m LHC-machine fiber irradiated to 1MGy: 5e -3 dB/m SM- Corning SMF28 Plans for 2009: Continue market surveys for fibres and splitters Prepare next gamma radiation test: Fibres at low and high dose rates, low temperature Splitters to be measured before and after irrad Setup environmental tests for fibres, splitters and connectors Continue mechanical tests, also with irradiated fibres and connectors LHC Fujikura
4 March WP2.2 Back-end Components Phase 1 program: Phase 1 program: Identification of 10Gbps components including: Identification of 10Gbps components including: Point to point transceivers Point to point transceivers Passive Optical Network transceivers Passive Optical Network transceivers Array transmitters and receivers Array transmitters and receivers High power transmitters High power transmitters Testing Operations Testing Operations Configure a test lab at Fermilab Configure a test lab at Fermilab Carry out initial tests on selected components Carry out initial tests on selected components Report on results and procedures Report on results and procedures Status: Status: First 6 Samples of Transceiver Components received First 6 Samples of Transceiver Components received Automated testing started Automated testing started Bit-Error-Rate/sensitiviy tests carried out based on Myrinet 10G NICs Bit-Error-Rate/sensitiviy tests carried out based on Myrinet 10G NICs Plans: Plans: Progress Test Automation (Labview, LXI, C++) Progress Test Automation (Labview, LXI, C++) Carry Out Eye Pattern Measurement Tests Carry Out Eye Pattern Measurement Tests Implement BER test based on FPGA tester Implement BER test based on FPGA tester Test more samples Test more samples A. Prosser Fermilab
4 March WP1.1 System phase 1 workprogram: phase 1 workprogram: Development of P2P demonstrator based on commercial transceivers. Development of P2P demonstrator based on commercial transceivers. Development of test bench(es) for components and systems Development of test bench(es) for components and systems Development of test procedures. Development of test procedures. Status: Status: SFP+ carrier board has been designed and fabricated. With a loop- back (oTx to oRx via fiber) configuration, a 10 Gbps optical serial link has been demonstrated with AFBR-700SDZ (10Gb, 850 nm) SFP+ carrier board has been designed and fabricated. With a loop- back (oTx to oRx via fiber) configuration, a 10 Gbps optical serial link has been demonstrated with AFBR-700SDZ (10Gb, 850 nm) Equipment is in place for 10 Gbps tests: Equipment is in place for 10 Gbps tests: 12Gbps BERT. 12Gbps BERT. 20GHz real-time scope with 8GHz differential probe. 20GHz real-time scope with 8GHz differential probe. O/E module with 12GHz bandwidth. O/E module with 12GHz bandwidth. Sampling scope with 10GHz optical, 50 GHz electrical input modules. Sampling scope with 10GHz optical, 50 GHz electrical input modules. New collaborator (IPAS) participates to this work package. New collaborator (IPAS) participates to this work package. Plans: Plans: With equipment in lab, and commercial transceivers, a full P2P 10 Gbps link will be demonstrated. With equipment in lab, and commercial transceivers, a full P2P 10 Gbps link will be demonstrated. With Stratix II GX programmed as the BERT (signal generator and bit error rate checker), a portable 6 Gbps test bench will be developed and supplied to project partners. With Stratix II GX programmed as the BERT (signal generator and bit error rate checker), a portable 6 Gbps test bench will be developed and supplied to project partners. Tests will be carried out with the 12 Gbps BERT and with Stratix II GX based test bench. Testing procedures will be studied and defined through this process. Tests will be carried out with the 12 Gbps BERT and with Stratix II GX based test bench. Testing procedures will be studied and defined through this process. J. Ye Southern Methodist University 5Gb/s optical loopback SFP+ Carrier Board
4 March WP1.1 BER comparison Comparison of 5G BER tests performed with: Comparison of 5G BER tests performed with: lab BER tester lab BER tester FPGA tester FPGA tester
4 March Summary Versatile Link aims to develop a bi-directional optical physical layer to link SLHC front- and back-ends Versatile Link aims to develop a bi-directional optical physical layer to link SLHC front- and back-ends Target Speed is 5Gb/s (depends largely on the user-specified chipset) Target Speed is 5Gb/s (depends largely on the user-specified chipset) Work being carried out both at the system and component level Work being carried out both at the system and component level Collaboration between: CERN, Fermilab, Oxford, SMU Collaboration between: CERN, Fermilab, Oxford, SMU MM (850nm) and SM (1310nm) variants will be proposed MM (850nm) and SM (1310nm) variants will be proposed Multiple Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint will be supported Multiple Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint will be supported Good progress has been shown in all areas: Good progress has been shown in all areas: Proof of concept will be demonstrated at TWEPP-09 Proof of concept will be demonstrated at TWEPP-09 a tentative specification based on past experience a tentative specification based on past experience a non-exhaustive portfolio of components meeting (even partially) the tentative specification (SM and MM, P2P) a non-exhaustive portfolio of components meeting (even partially) the tentative specification (SM and MM, P2P) a front end TRx prototype package a front end TRx prototype package test bench(es) for components and systems test bench(es) for components and systems preliminary irradiation test results preliminary irradiation test results preliminary functionality test results for components and systems preliminary functionality test results for components and systems a set of recommendations for phase 2. a set of recommendations for phase 2. feasibility demonstration: Oct 09 – Apr11 feasibility demonstration: Oct 09 – Apr11 pre-production readiness: Apr11-Oct12 pre-production readiness: Apr11-Oct12 Yearly project progress review in Oxford on 5 and 6 March 2009 Yearly project progress review in Oxford on 5 and 6 March 2009
4 March Optical Link Architectures Point-to- Point Point-to- Multipoint Passive Optical Network Best of Both Worlds?
4 March Credits CERN CERN Jan Troska, Luis Amaral, Stefanos Dris, Alberto Jimenez Pacheco, Christophe Sigaud, Sergio Silva, Csaba Soos, Pavel Stejskal, François Vasey Jan Troska, Luis Amaral, Stefanos Dris, Alberto Jimenez Pacheco, Christophe Sigaud, Sergio Silva, Csaba Soos, Pavel Stejskal, François Vasey Fermilab Fermilab Alan Prosser, Mark Bowden, John Chramowicz Alan Prosser, Mark Bowden, John Chramowicz Oxford, IPAS, CERN Oxford, IPAS, CERN Cigdem Issever, K. Dunn, Alex Gerardin, Todd Huffman, S.C. Lee, Z. Liang, Z. Meng, A. Povey, Tony Weidberg Cigdem Issever, K. Dunn, Alex Gerardin, Todd Huffman, S.C. Lee, Z. Liang, Z. Meng, A. Povey, Tony Weidberg Southern Methodist University Southern Methodist University Jingbo Ye, Andie Liu, Kent Liu, Annie Xiang Jingbo Ye, Andie Liu, Kent Liu, Annie Xiang