Information and Communication Networks Global network of innovation Siemens n.v. Marc Roelands Strategic Technology January 2004 “Context” for Emerging Communication Services Siemens input for CoDAMoS Context Definition
Information and Communication Networks 23/02/2003 Page 2 Some motivations for this… Make sure the CoDAMoS participants are aware of an aspect of “Context” that is already a fact in industry, called Presence Contribute to exploitation chances for CoDAMoS results Detect synergies between academics and industry in the little region that we live in (Flanders): leveraging innovation effect for all parties
Information and Communication Networks 23/02/2003 Page 3 Which Aspects of “Context”? Platform Context: memory, display size, software execution environment, … Network Context: connectivity, service availability, “visited” versus “home”, charging conditions, … User Context: User Context: Living Environment communication devices in user’s vicinity devices that make the environment “smart” (cf. AmI) User Location User Activity (meeting, talking, typing, …) Other User Status (mood, …) … => Presence
Information and Communication Networks 23/02/2003 Page 4 Presence as a Key Enabler for “User Context” Dynamic Context of User Communication Terminal Binding User Status & Activity User Location
Information and Communication Networks 23/02/2003 Page 5 Further Considerations on Presence Person-to-person, person-to-service, … for Communication (multimedia, multimodal) & Applications (games, etc.) Availability, Privacy, Personal Policies Communities & Personal Contact Lists Unified Communications
Information and Communication Networks 23/02/2003 Page 6 Presence Technologies IETF: IMPP (common models) SIMPLE (on SIP, also adopted by 3GPP) XMPP (Jabber) Parlay & Java community: PAM Wireless Village: specific to 3GPP mobile networks … Proprietary protocols for IM services (AOL/ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, …)
Information and Communication Networks 23/02/2003 Page 7 Siemens realisation around Presence Belgian activities in this field since 1999 and continuing to be a key focus point today Siemens Belgium recognised as Centre of Competence for Presence-related technology and solutions Several national IWT-funded & European research projects Development activities for Presence products Commercial Solutions for Mobile carriers Fixed carriers and (Internet) Service Providers Enterprises Residential