Name of Presentation TORRANCE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT IBI Group Hull Middle School
January 3, 2016 IBI Group TUSD – Hull Middle School 2 MASTER SITE PLAN Construction of Hull Field Project Description Re-grading Irrigation New turf field Running/walking track Sand volleyball Schedule December: Begin Construction March : Begin landscape April : Project Completion
Hull Middle School January 3, 2016 IBI Group TUSD – Hull Middle School 3 FIELD SOD vs. SEED Installation: Preparation is the same for Sod and Seed. SOD : Installs ‘instant’ turf : Can take significant impact immediately after installation. SEED: Seed requires time for germination and full coverage.
Hull Middle School January 3, 2016 IBI Group TUSD – Hull Middle School 4 WHY NOT SEED 1.AVAILABILITY: Significant delay before planting time. Best time to plant seed is between May 15 th and June 1 st. Hydroseeded turf required 1-2 weeks just to germinate. Requires weeks for coverage, more if soil temperature is not adequate. Thus, a hydroseeded field would not be ready for use until October-November WEED AND DISEASE: Often a problem during germination and fill in. 3.UNPREDICTABLE RESULTS and PERFORMANCE: Many variables affect success of hydroseeded turf: weather, rain, excessive irrigation, weeds, vandalism.. Seed vulnerable to washout from rain and irrigation. Uneven germination is common. Re-seeding in thin areas may result in delayed use of field. A hydroseeded turf field is not as smooth as a sod field. 4.WATER WASTE: Requires a lot of water to germinate and fill in hydroseeded turf. Soils at site don’t drain well so water management is very critical. Water applications twice to three times daily needed to ensure that bed does not dry out. If too much water is applied, water runoff occurs. 5.MAINTENANCE: Requires intense fertilization, weed, and pest management
Hull Middle School January 3, 2016 IBI Group TUSD – Hull Middle School 5 WHY SOD 1.AVAILABILITY: Sod in Southern California is available year round. INSTANT LAWN: Sod can be expected to be rooted enough to walk on in a couple of weeks. It should be ready for light use in about 3-4 weeks and for regular use in 5-6 weeks. 2.WEED AND DISEASE RESISTANT: Don’t have to worry about weed infestation as thick sod will cover weed seeds and prevents germination. 3.HYBRID BERMUDA GRASSES: Tifway II has the shortest dormancy period and is one of the toughest and quickest to recover. 4.PREDICTABLE RESULTS and PERFORMANCE: Sodded fields produce a smoother surface when complete. 5.WATER CONSERVATION: Requires much less water from installation to first use. 6.MAINTENANCE: Requires much less managing to get turf ready for play.
Hull Middle School January 3, 2016 IBI Group TUSD – Hull Middle School 6 WHY SOD 1.COMMUNITY USE : BEFORE SUMMER 2010 AYSO Torrance community members 2.WEED AND DISEASE RESISTANT 3.PREDICTABLE RESULTS and PERFORMANCE 4.LESS MAINTENANCE
Hull Middle School January 3, 2016 IBI Group TUSD – Hull Middle School 7 SOD INSTALLATIONS Fairways at Trump National Golf Club in RPV. Home Depot Center on Stadium Field and all practice fields. Fairways at Pelican Hill Golf Course in Newport Coast. Fairways at Big Canyon Country Club in Newport Beach