The duck appreciates the kangaroo. The duck says his life is bored. The duck express his wish –to travel & to hop. The duck wanted to ride on the kangaroo’s back. He wants to go to Dee and jelly Bo lee, he also wants to go over the sea and over the land. He assured that he will be quiet all along. Kangaroo thought over the ducks request. The duck has perpetually wet feet. so the kangaroo fears that he may catch rheumatism.
Assurance Given By The Duck. 1.Has purchased 4 pairs worsted socks. 2.Has purchased a shawl. 3.Will smoke a cigar everyday. The journey began at night- The duck sat at the end of the kangaroo’s tail. They went round the world 3 times. The duck and the kangaroo are very happy as their journey was very successful. Kangaroo thought over the ducks request. The duck has perpetually wet feet. so the kangaroo fears that he may catch rheumatism.