Fixing Weak Composition Examples of poor compositional choices and suggested fixes
Horizon Half-way up the Paper FIX: If foreground is of interest, move horizon up. If sky is of interest, move horizon down
Dominant feature halfway across paper FIX: Move to side and restore balance
Large area divided into two equal strips FIX: alter shapes and sizes
Important feature resting on boundary FIX: Plan ahead
Strong values predominant on one side FIX: restore balance with added emphasis on other side
Dominant features lead eye out of picture FIX: Make sure object(s) of interest carry eye into heart of painting
More than one center of interest FIX: Create a single point of interest with a single pathway leading to it. Block excursions off the boundary.
Roadway edge originates at corner of format FIX: move edges to sides, reduce roadway dominance, break up long roadway with, for example, shadows
Objects strung out in a disconnected line FIX: Overlap structures to create an interesting shape
Unnecessary detail; e.g. long line of regular fencing FIX: Simplify (alter reality for artistic purposes)
Similar/Identical items FIX: Alter size, shape, position, color etc to add interest and focus
Objects viewed face-on FIX: Adopt a viewpoint with perspective and some overlap
Two issues: Regular fencing and intersection at a corner FIXES: Move stream and simplify fence
Two Competing Centers of Interest FIX: Concentrate on one, sacrifice the other
Viewer’s eye is drawn away from center of interest FIX: Alter reality by rearranging elements to draw eye toward center of interest ( including background mountains)
Object leads eye away from scene FIX: create movement into the picture
Unrelated lines coincide FIX: Move tangent items to intersect each other ( e.g., sky-roof, and two silos)
Multiple Flaws Compare Flawed (upper) with Fixed (lower):
Flawed vs. Fixed Flawed (fixed): Houses strung out (grouped) Head on view of houses (side views; shadowed sides for contrast) Strong vertical church tower in dead center (moved to left; balanced by tree on right) Church tower exactly behind timbered gable (stands alone) Strong white road of uniform width cuts through entire picture (non-uniform, broken by shadow) Red truck driving out of picture (moving into picture)