Early space People said that the universe never changes They only had The instruments at an early stage back then, like the early telescope and other things Astronomers formed theories to explain observations as best as they could with the equipment they had at the time.
Edwin Hubble First astronomer to identify the milky way, also he had estimated that the distance between there to earth was 46 galaxies He had also discovered that other galaxies like the milky way were moving farther from each other.
Hubble’s Proposal He proposed that the universe was getting larger all over. He also said that All the galaxies have taken a certain amount of time to reach the size they are and the location their in.
The Red Shift Analysis Edwin Hubble used this to see that the galaxies were not only moving away from earth but also moving away at a speed that was proportional to their distance. The light of the galaxies he was studying showed spectral lines that were distinctly shifted toward the red end, which is a red shift.
Electromagnetic Waves Type of electromagnetic radiation The radiation is carried in the form of waves All wavelengths vary In space the things that radiate various forms of energy like stars and galaxies radiate light waves, radio waves and x-rays
Spectral patterns When light passes through a prism it creates colours of the rainbow Each colour represents different wave lengths Light from distant stars can be observed and collected by astronomers and separated into their own spectral patters Using a spectroscope to act as a prism to separate light into basic component colours
Cosmological red shift The light that leaves the galaxy travels a long distance before reaching the telescope of observations on earth Spectral lines shifting towards the red end Red shift happenes because the lights wavelengths become longer Red shifting means that the object is moving farther from us
Early Big Bang Theory Astronomers thought of tracing the paths of movement backwards Using super computers, math and pure logic, they would study how and when these galaxies might all have been in the same place at the same time The search for an explanation has been continuous for 80 years
Most Recent Theory Of The Big Bang Theory Approximately 13.7 billion years ago At the time, it was only a tiny volume of space rapidly expanding to a much larger size Energy started forming shortly after that This is first described by Georges Lemaitre in 1927 Although additional recent evidence to support the big bang theory is being discovered
Video on the big bang theory
Georges Lemaître Belgian priest and astronomer Physics professor at a French section of the catholic university of Leuven First known academic to propose the theory od an expanding universe. He also proposed the big bang theory before it was called the big bang theory, he called it the hypothesis of the primeval atom or the cosmic egg
Cosmic Background Radiation When two men(Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson) were monitoring microwave radiation in space. As they were doing so they would receive background noise or signal interfearence. After thinking it was a problem with the equipment they went back and made several adjustment but no matter what they did they constantly had the noise. This was concluded as Cosmic Background radiation Radiation left over from the big bang expansion Particles left over from the early universe
Bibliography 1 Video: Bc science 9 text book 10.1/10.2 Georges Lemaitre: Picture 1: Picture 2: Picture 3: Picture 4: Picture 5: Picture 6: redshift-universe/ redshift-universe/ Picture 7:
Bibliography 2 Picture 8: Picture 9: Picture 10: Picture 11: Picture 12: Picture 13: Picture 14: Picture 15: