AS Level Literature Key messages: AS is 100% Exam based- 2 exams Paper 1 Paper 1 Literary Genres (comedy) 1hr 30 mins Part A Shakespeare (Twelfth Night- closed book) Extract based Part B Section B: one essay question on a drama set text (closed book )
Comedy – Key texts Texts currently studied in AS: ‘Twelfth Night’ ‘Emma’ ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ Comedy Poetry Anthology (incl. ‘The Flea’, ‘Sunny Prestatyn’ and ‘Mrs Sisyphus’) 5 hours study at home to compliment study at school
Prose and poetry texts for AS
Paper 1 example question- extract based Section A
Paper 1 Section B
Key Messages Paper 2: Assessed written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes Open book 50 marks 50% of AS level Questions Section A: Section A: one essay question on poetry set text (25 marks) Section B: Section B: one essay question on prose set text (25 marks)
Paper 2- Poetry anthology Section A
Paper 2- Emma Section B
AS- Level What's assessed Option 1B: Aspects of comedy Study of three texts: one Shakespeare text; a second drama text and one further text, of which one must be written pre-1900 Assessed written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes closed book 75 marks 40% of A-level Questions Section A: one passage-based question on set Shakespeare text (25 marks) Section B: one essay question on set Shakespeare text (25 marks) Section C: one essay question linking two texts (25 marks
A Level In addition to the Comedy texts studied at AS which move together to form Paper 1 (closed book) in A level Paper 2 consists of crime fiction (texts TBC but may include Christie, Brighton Rock, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and a modern prose text) NEA (coursework) – 2 essays each applying an aspect of the critical anthology to a text (1 poetry, 1 prose). The anthology includes literary criticism sections on feminism, Marxism, post-colonialism... As we haven’t begun to study this texts and overview of the course beyond AS is still TCB