Slide Index (per Richard’s sugg. / not to be included in video) What is TOSCA? TOSCA Addresses Critical Cloud Challenges The collective knowledge of app. and infa. experts are captured as reusable TOSCA models TOSCA enables an eco-system where service providers can Compete and Differentiate to add value to Your Application TOSCA eco-system vision successfully TOSCA enables holistic application lifecycle automation while ensuring integrity, security and compliance TOSCA reduces complexity by expressing application requirements independently from cloud provider capabilities TOSCA enables flexible movement between different clouds TOSCA eco-system is rapidly growing with support from many industry leaders and open source partners Find out how TOSCA can empower your Cloud business 1
TOSCA is an important new open cloud standard, that is enabling a unique eco-system, supported by a large and growing number of international industry leaders… What is TOSCA? 2 TOSCA defines the interoperable description of applications; including their components, relationships, dependencies, requirements, and capabilities…. …thereby enabling portability and automated management across cloud providers regardless of underlying platform or infrastructure thus expanding customer choice, improving reliability, and reducing cost and time-to-value. TOSCA defines the interoperable description of applications; including their components, relationships, dependencies, requirements, and capabilities…. …thereby enabling portability and automated management across cloud providers regardless of underlying platform or infrastructure thus expanding customer choice, improving reliability, and reducing cost and time-to-value. Matt to work on overall master template, agree on color palette. Animate each of the 3 major paragraphs as read by narrator
1.Speed and accuracy moving apps to Cloud TOSCA captures knowledge to automate rapid implementation and deployment TOSCA spans the entire technology stack and multiple Clouds (eco-system) 2.Agility adapting to change (Business and IT) TOSCA enables holistic lifecycle automation ensuring Integrity, Security and Compliance TOSCA reduces complexity by expressing application requirements independently from infrastructure capabilities enabling Cloud consumer choice 3.Consumer Choice of Cloud vendor and technology TOSCA enables flexible movement between different Clouds while maintaining needed functionality, quality and manageability TOSCA is a recognized OASIS industry standard, aligned with key open source projects (e.g., OpenStack, Eclipse, Cloudify) TOSCA Addresses Critical Cloud Challenges 3 Animate each of the 3 challenge bullets as they are introduced by narrator Matt needs to work on adding graphics that match the verbs/concepts of each bullet. Discuss only the challenge (perhaps in more detail), but do not discuss solution
Web Server Tier Web Server Web App PHP Script Module Database Server Tier DB Server Database These concepts lead to An application-centric, holistic, unified model Models can be validated by automation to ensure app-aware, policy-aligned config, deployment and other operational semantics Reusable models extend investments by making it easy to compose more valuable and complex apps from existing apps Containment and Connectivity Concepts Support Composition & Reuse Application / Service The collective knowledge of app. and infa. experts are captured as reusable TOSCA models 4 Need to say something about “models” as it is intro’d here By supporting these principles: containment, connectivity, composition and reuse (from an application perspective) Animate containment and connectivity (and reuse)
TOSCA supports automated application requirement to service provider capability matching Application can be portable to any cloud (including hybrids) that meets the app’s requirements Opposite of a “lowest-common denominator” approach Cloud Provider A Cloud Provider B TOSCA enables an eco-system where service providers can Compete and Differentiate to add value to Your Applications Each cloud provider offers his “best fit” of unique capabilities, features, and services, based on requirements described by the application’s TOSCA Service Template Application / Service 5 Would like a new graphic here. Make more consistent with slide #5 (next) Suggestions made to reuse (foreshadow) graphics from slide #6 (Eurocloud) Explore Venn diagram from “tools”, “service provider” “marketplace” using same color coding, TOSCA at intersection Show several providers reaching out (serving) to a customer (TOSCA model) Note: need to work on overlap “best fit” sentence and the “req-cap” sentence
C loud Monitoring Service Designer Design Tools Service Marketplaces Cloud Managers SAP Marketplace Telco Cloud Solution Supported Clouds FlexFrame Orchestrator Workload Deployer Other cloud optimization tools OASIS Sponsored Multi-Company Interop. Demo – Demos of OASIS SugarCRM, SAP CRM and ERP application portability Different partner cloud orchestration engines & tools interpreting and seamlessly deploying, running and monitoring the same TOSCA service templates on different clouds. TOSCA eco-system vision successfully October 15-16, Luxembourg Slides, videos: Participating Companies: Cloud Marketplace Cloud Management and Automation 6 SmartCloud Orchestrator multiple marketplaces (conceptual) Animate by popluating the empty Tools, marketplace and cloud manager boxes, (no company names) then show arrows showing choice/paths for fulfillment.
TOSCA Templates Agnostic to Cloud Infrastructure Changes Infrastructure Changes Hot Packs Strategic Requests Operational Requests TOSCA enables holistic application lifecycle automation while ensuring integrity, security and compliance TOSCA templates communicate and drive application-centric DevOps and continuous delivery Development Teams Development Teams QA Teams Operations External Influences TOSCA Template Architects Model services, policies & requirements Cloud Provider A Cloud Provider C Build & Test releases, updates & configurations Develop, unit test scripts, plans & artifacts for planned releases, patches, fixes TOSCA Template TOSCA Template TOSCA Template TOSCA Template Deploy, manage & monitor application lifecycle Cloud Provider B v1.0 Cloud Application Lifecycle with TOSCA v1.1 v1.2 v1.3 v1.4
TOSCA Portable Cloud Application TOSCA Portable Cloud Application TOSCA reduces complexity by expressing application requirements independently from cloud provider capabilities TOSCA applications are portable to different infrastructures Application Requirements Infrastructure Capabilities Infrastructure Capabilities Application Requirements (Abstract) Infrastructure Capabilities Storage Compute1 DB Compute2 App Network TOSCA Orchestration - Match and Optimize TOSCA Orchestration - Match and Optimize TOSCA Service Template Software + Infrastructure Patterns Cloud Consumer Choice Scaling Policy Scaling Policy Ring Network Ring Network KVM Cloud Provider A Cloud Provider C Cloud Provider B 8
TOSCA enables flexible movement between different clouds Cloud Provider C TOSCA Template Application / Service Initial Deployment TOSCA Cloud Service Templates enable … Cloud providers to match application requirements – while still offering unique solutions Automated application movement between Clouds – without typical migration pains Move 9 Cloud Provider A Freedom to respond to changes in business needs and regulatory demands
10 TOSCA eco-system is rapidly growing with support from many industry leaders and open source partners TOSCA Version 1.0 Specification approved as an OASIS Standard (25 Nov 2013) Government and Corporate Awareness: –OASIS: 600+ member organizations participants spanning 65+ countries –TOSCA TC: 150+ members, 35+ companies and organizations –International Standards: ETSI NFV liaison, etc. –International Research: EU FP7 –Industry Analysts: Forrester names TOSCA as a top four cloud open standard (2014 Mar) Multi-company Interoperability Demonstrated: –EuroCloud 2013 (Oct) : IBM, SAP, Fujitsu, Huawei, HP, Vnomic, Zenoss and others –Open Data Center Alliance: TOSCA Application Portability in the Enterprise Cloud PoC (2014 Jan)TOSCA Application Portability in the Enterprise Cloud Open Source : –OpenStack, Eclipse Winery, Cloudify, celar Members Companies Open Source Projects 10
Find out how TOSCA can empower your Cloud business In implementing your Cloud strategy TOSCA enables unique solutions to your key challenges – Speed and accuracy moving apps to Cloud – Agility adapting to change - Business and IT – Choice of Cloud vendor and technology Talk to your vendors and platform providers about their TOSCA support Curious to learn more about TOSCA? – Please explore the following resources TOSCA enables application portability and automated management across cloud providers regardless of underlying platform or infrastructure thus expanding customer choice, improving reliability, and reducing cost and time-to-value. 11