Using Visual Aids
Benefits of Visual Aids Make instruction more meaningful Help learners learn in a different way Provide a deeper level of learning Engage learners: provide a change in activity Words plus images Bring learning to life
What are visual aids? Chalkboard Overhead transparencies Flip Charts Models/objects Photographs Anything that provides a visual representation of concepts students are to learn
Using visual aids Remember visual aids are only tools for learning Make sure visual aids support objectives Before using, ask yourself how they will help students learn Each element should be simple and support a single idea or concept Do not read directly from visual aids
Using visual aids Ask learners to read or listen, not both Give paper copies of visuals when possible Remember the importance of variety Use local photographs and examples when possible Represent numerical information with charts and graphs when possible
Using visual aids Use sketches and drawings when photographs are not available or appropriate Make sure all students can see/read visuals Do not crowd visuals with words, pictures or color Provide opportunities for students to read handouts before advancing instruction Face the class as much as possible during use