TODAY IS: Wednesday, OCT. 28 DAY 6
Attention 7 th Grade Modified Football Players: There will be a MANDATORY MEETING on Thursday, October 29 th from 2:30-3:30 P.M. in the 7 th Grade Team Room. Helmets & Shoulder Pads will be collected…everything else will be taken home to be washed. A late bus will be available at 3:30 P.M. if needed. See Coach Sinclair with any questions.
DRAMA CLUB Attention to anyone interested in being a part of this year’s musical production of The Addams Family. Our Last membership meeting will be Tuesday November 3 rd in the Auditorium from 2:30 - 3:30. In order to be a part of the musical in any way you must attend at least one membership meeting.
CANNED FOOD DRIVE Hey LMS! This years Canned Food Drive will be November 1 st through November 15th. There will be a homeroom contest and the homeroom that wins will get breakfast or pizza party of their choice, SO BRING IN YOUR CANS. We are asking everyone to bring in just 6 cans and we will hit our 5,000 can goal!
Art Club Art Club will be canceled TODAY -Wednesday, October 28 th. Our next meeting will be November 4 th
NJHS The NJHS meeting is this Thursday, October 29 th after-school in the cafeteria or Friday morning at 7am in room 105.You need to attend 1 of these meetings!
HOODIES ORDERS ARE HERE! Did you order a hoodie? All orders will be available for pick up on Thursday during your LUNCH period.
LOST AND FOUND See the October Lost and Found pictures for anything you may be missing. Stop by to the main office to claim by Friday, October 30 th.
SCHOOL STORE EARBUDS ARE HERE! COME AND GET THEM BEFORE THEY’RE ALL GONE – ONLY $2.50!!! Lots of new items including Halloween specials!
If you didn't hand in your parent permission slip please do it ASAP. There will be a short informational meeting in room 162 November 4. All wrestlers must attend. If there is an issue see Coaches Rinow or Coughlin.
Hot Dog on a Bun Celery & Carrot Sticks with Dip Steamed Mixed Vegetables Choice of Milk / Fruit
Peers Helping Peers will be meeting on Thursday, October 29 in Room 157. New members are welcome. Peers Helping Peers will be meeting on Thursday, October 29 in Room 157. New members are welcome.
Students interested in attending the William Durbin writer's workshop on November 13th should let their ELA teachers know as soon as possible.