And the seven waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. By: Caleb Goforth
Radio waves Radio waves have the longest wavelength out of all the seven different electromagnetic waves. They are emitted by use like radio stations, music players and even television. They even are emitted by stars. Many things in our galaxy like planets too emit this same type of waves.
Microwaves Micro waves are sometimes used in home appliances like microwaves. Astronauts use these waves to find out new things about our own galaxy! Microwaves are just like radio waves but give off more power. They are used today in mobile phones and speed cameras for police men.
Infrared Infrared are waves that emit from matter like our own skin. That’s how people with night vision can see us in the dark. Infrared waves help us see and allows our vision to be able to see on another. Infrared sensing satellites can see us because of our body heat. They are often used in our U.S military for special reasons.
Visible These are waves that help tell us how good we see. The measurement of what the human eye can see is usually from 390 to 750nm They allow us to tell from the different colors like red, blue, etc.
Ultraviolet Ultraviolet waves are like visible waves but have a shorter wavelength. The sun is the most popular ultraviolet emitter. There are 3 different types of ultraviolet there is: near ultraviolet Far ultraviolet Extreme ultraviolet each with a different measurement.
X-Rays The wavelength of the X-Rays are smaller therefore being more intense then ultraviolet. X-Rays are more measured in energy more than wavelength. X-Rays also act more like a particle then a wave. X-Rays were first observed by a German scientist in 1895 on accident while messing with vacuum tubes.
Gamma rays Gamma rays have the smallest wavelength in the whole electromagnetic spectrum. They are often used in medical reasons with killing cells like cancer cells without rough surgery. Gamma rays come from vast distances like in outer space. They are also the most energetic form of wave and is produced by the hottest regions of space.
Images from: Google, Facts from: Google images for: infrared, ultraviolet, and X-Ray Reference Page