Chapter 3 The Chemistry of Organic Molecules
Figure 4.3 Valences for the major elements of organic molecules
Why Carbon? Most versatile building blocks of molecules –Tetravalence –Can link together –Covalent compatibility with variety of elements Variation in carbon skeletons contributes to the diversity of organic molecules –Hydrocarbons –Isomers – shape can dramatically alter activity
Figure 4.4 Variations in carbon skeletons
Figure 4.2 The shapes of three simple organic molecules
Figure 4.6 Three types of isomers
Figure 4.6ax Structural isomers
Figure 4.7 The pharmacological importance of enantiomers
Functional Groups A specific configuration of atoms commonly attached to C-skeletons, usually involved in chemical reactions Behave consistently from one organic molecule to the next Contribute to distinctive properties of organic molecules Most molecules have two or more
Table 4.1 Functional Groups of Organic Compounds
Functional Groups cont. Hydroxyl –Alcohols –Polar –Increase solubility Carbonyl
Functional Groups cont. Carboxyl –Carboxylic acids –Very polar Amino –Amines –Basic
Functional Groups Cont. Sulfhydryl –Thiols –Can interact to help stabilize structures Phosphate –One fxn includes energy transfer
Recap Emergent properties of organic compounds due to: –Arrangement of carbon skeleton –Functional groups added to skeleton Variation at molecular level underlies biological diversity
Macromolecules Large biological molecules formed from small organic molecules Polymers…made up of monomers Synthesized by cells…how?
Figure 5.2 The synthesis and breakdown of polymers
Carbohydrates Sugars End in -ose CH 2 O Carbonyl group and multiple hydroxyl groups Monosaccharides and disaccharides = fuel and carbon sources
Figure 5.3 The structure and classification of some monosaccharides
Figure 5.3x Hexose sugars Glucose Galactose
Figure 5.4 Linear and ring forms of glucose
Figure 5.5 Examples of disaccharide synthesis
Figure 5.5x Glucose monomer and disaccharides Glucose monomer Sucrose Maltose
Polysaccharides thousands of monosaccharides Storage and structural roles Glycogen, starch, cellulose, peptidoglycan (sugars + amino acids), and chitin (contains nitrogen)
Figure 5.7a Starch and cellulose structures
Figure 5.7b,c Starch and cellulose structures
Figure 5.7x Starch and cellulose molecular models Glucose Glucose Starch Cellulose
Figure 5.6 Storage polysaccharides
Figure 5.8 The arrangement of cellulose in plant cell walls
Figure 5.x1 Cellulose digestion: termite and Trichonympha
Figure 5.x2 Cellulose digestion: cow
Figure 5.9 Chitin, a structural polysaccharide: exoskeleton and surgical thread
Lipids Diverse group of nonpolymers Share one trait: hydrophobic Consist mainly of hydrocarbons Fats, phospholipids, waxes, steroids
Fats Glycerol + fatty acids Fatty acids: carbon chain with carboxyl group at end Triglycerols Saturated vs unsaturated
Figure 5.11 Examples of saturated and unsaturated fats and fatty acids
Fats cont. Functions: –Energy (2x a polysaccharide) –Storage – adipose tissue – swells and shrinks –Cushions –Warmth
Phospholipids Glycerol + 2 fatty acids + phosphate group Amphipathic Major components of cell membranes
Figure 5.12 The structure of a phospholipid
Figure 5.13 Two structures formed by self-assembly of phospholipids in aqueous environments
Steroids Carbon skeletons consisting of four fused rings Hormones (many produced from cholesterol) Vary in their functional groups
Figure 4.8 A comparison of functional groups of female (estradiol) and male (testosterone) sex hormones
Waxes Protectant Water-proofing Corrosion prevention
Proteins Greek: “first place” 50% + of dry weight of most cells Instrumental in activities Structural support, storage, transport, signaling within organism, movement of organism, defense against foreign substances, enzymes (help regulate metabolism)
Proteins cont. Vary extensively in structure Unique 3d shape Polymers of amino acids: polypeptides
Figure 5.15 The 20 amino acids of proteins: nonpolar
Figure 5.15 The 20 amino acids of proteins: polar and electrically charged
Peptide Bonds
Proteins cont. A functional protein consists of 1+ polypeptides precisely twisted, folded, and coiled into a precise 3d conformation Globular vs fibrous Function depends on ability to recognize and bind to some other molecule Determined by amino acid sequence
Figure 5.18 The primary structure of a protein
Figure 5.20 The secondary structure of a protein
Figure 5.22 Examples of interactions contributing to the tertiary structure of a protein
Figure 5.23 The quaternary structure of proteins
Figure 5.24 Review: the four levels of protein structure
Figure 5.17 Conformation of a protein, the enzyme lysozyme
Figure 5.19 A single amino acid substitution in a protein causes sickle-cell disease
Fibrous vs globular
Figure 5.21 Spider silk: a structural protein
What determines protein conformation? Amino acid sequence pH Salt concentration Temperature Chaperonins – protein molecules that assist the proper folding other proteins; keep it away from “bad influences” If environment is changed or altered from “native” conditions = denatured
Figure 5.25 Denaturation and renaturation of a protein
Figure 5.27 X-ray crystallography
Table 5.1 An Overview of Protein Functions
Nucleic Acids DNA and RNA Genetic material DNA directs the synthesis of RNA, which then directs the ribosomes to make proteins Polymers of nucleotides
Figure 5.29 The components of nucleic acids
Figure 5.x3 James Watson and Francis Crick
Figure 5.x4 Rosalind Franklin
Erwin Chargaff
3’ and 5’ ends
Genetic Material
Figure 5.30 The DNA double helix and its replication
DNA and proteins as tape measures of evolution Two species that are more closely related share a greater proportion of their DNA and protein sequences than do distantly related species
ATP RNA nucleotide + 2 more P groups Energy transfer!