Understanding by Design Media Literature Advertising Project Deana Collins TLP Summer 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Understanding by Design Media Literature Advertising Project Deana Collins TLP Summer 2008

Summary of Project Unit deals with the influence of the media on consumer purchases and public opinion.  Original project: create a advertising campaign for a new bubble gum. Name and slogan for bubble gum TV commercial Radio commercial Billboard Product package

NETS*S Standards Communication and Collaboration  Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments Research and Information Fluency  Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks Technology Operations and Concepts  Select and use appropriate applications effectively and productively.

WI Information & Technology Literacy Standards B.12.4 Evaluate and select information from a variety of print, non-print, and electronic formats B.12.7 Communicate the results of research and inquiry in an appropriate format C.12.3 Develop competence and selectivity in reading, listening, and viewing D.12.1 Participate productively in workgroups or other collaborative learning environments

Enduring Understandings Students will understand that:  Our opinions are influenced by what we see, hear and read in the media.  The advertising industry uses the media to influence the public’s buying habits.  The advertising industry uses a variety methods to sell products or messages.  The advertising industry does not always have a direct message. Consumers must read between the lines.

Essential Questions What is the purpose of the media? How does the media influence the public? How are our opinions affected by what we see, hear, or read in the media? Why does the advertising industry use a variety of methods to sell products or influence opinions? Why does the advertising industry use different tools to sell products? Why doesn’t the advertising industry just say what they mean?

Tools and Ideas Photo Story to create a TV commercial Audacity to create a radio ad Publisher or some other online poster maker to create a billboard and product packaging Website software or Wiki design to create a website for the product

Next Step Get together with Media Lit teacher to plan unit and decide upon instruction to incorporate the new technology into the project. Find and choose a poster creation program and a wiki that students can use.