A screen by screen outline of a training module in which each page represents a screen to be designed and developed. Each page includes text, images, audio, video, and navigation that will be used in the module. What Is Storyboarding?
Decide on which software program you'd like to use to performing the storyboard. There are many programs to use such as Freehand, Fireworks, InDesign, Illustrator, or Photoshop. However, there are basic programs that can be used on everyone's desktop such as PowerPoint and Word. What are the basic steps of storyboarding?
Create an outline of the main lessons of your module. Then create the steps necessary to accomplish each lesson. Go screen-by-screen and visualize what should be communicated in each screen along with the steps involved. What are the basic steps of storyboarding?
Use a screen–by-screen format to write the storyboard. Include an explanation of the images, sound, or video you will include on each screen. Label each screen so you will be able to easily access and edit it as you work. For example, "Section 2, Screen 5.“ Define each type of text used on each screen by using different styles or colors to distinguish each. For example, text that is separated from all other text, text that refers to something else, or command text.
What are the basic steps of storyboarding? Describe the video or images to be placed on each screen. For example a specific picture that may fade in and out or a description of an image. To ensure you capture all of the elements of the storyboard, prepare the environment by collecting all the images, sounds, and videos you will use in your module, prior to creating the storyboard.
What are the advantages of storyboarding? Documents your ideas on paper and doesn't leave them to memory Helps you document the flow of the module Placeholder to help position image, audio, etc. Ability to share with a development team or others to gain feedback, ideas or approval Saves time in the long run from rework if approval is gained upfront
What are the disadvantages of storyboarding? Time Consuming Sometimes creates less flexibility to change things if you gain approval upfront