Why do we need to use Google Classroom? The problem is collaboration among teachers is not always convenient.. Visual: Effects will fade in and out Audio: Instrumental Viva la Vida Source: Youtube Images/Screenshots Script Production Notes
I know the first question you may ask is what is the cost? How is this program relevant to our educators? The good news is, it is FREE, and Google Docs will make collaboration on lesson plans, programs, and other projects easier. Visual: Effects will fade in and out Audio: Instrumental Viva la Vida Source: Youtube Images/Screenshots Script Production Notes
One of the developers of Google Docs is Sam Schillace who was working for the software development firm Upstartle. Schillace created Writely in August Writely was considered as the “Web Word Processor.” Users could create, edit, and store documents on the web browser interface. The thinking behind this software was to enable users to work on documents collaboratively on the web. These documents can be edited and shared online. Visual: Effects will fade in and out Audio: Instrumental Viva la Vida Source: Youtube Images/Screenshots Script Production Notes
Google purchased Upstartle on March 9, Eventually, Writely was integrated with Google Accounts in September 19, Visual: Effects will fade in and out Audio: Instrumental Viva la Vida Source: Youtube Images/Screenshots Script Production Notes
Google has many special features and free apps, such as the Google Earth, Google Docs, and Google Books. Visual: Effects will fade in and out Audio: Instrumental Viva la Vida Source: Youtube
Google Docs h elp with collaboration among teachers and students by allowing them to share documents, and they can collaborate on projects. Visual: Effects will fade in and out Audio: Instrumental Viva la Vida Source: Youtube
Students can experience virtual field trips using Google Earth. Visual: Effects will fade in and out Audio: Instrumental Viva la Vida Source: Youtube
Teachers and students can search for books and magazines from other libraries and publishers using Google Books.. Visual: Effects will fade in and out Audio: Instrumental Viva la Vida Source: Youtube
The Google Classroom can be interactive and engaging. Teachers and students alike will enjoy this innovation! Visual: Effects will fade in and out Audio: Source