relationships & mood: handout see the sheet: Relationships are important for our health as an introduction to some of the connections between relationships and psychological wellbeing
relationships & wellbeing: research Argyle M The psychology of happiness London: Routledge, 1987 Barnett PA et al Psychosocial functioning & depression: distinguishing among antecedents, concomitants, & consequences Psychol Bull 1988;104: House JS et al Social relationships & health Science 1988;241:540-5 [2547] Silove D et al Perceptions of general and specific therapist behaviors J Nerv Ment Dis 1990;178:292-9 Brown GW et al Self-esteem and depression: II & III Soc Psychiatry Psychiat Epidemiol 1990;25: & Hickie I et al Perceived interpersonal risk factors of non-endogenous depression Psychol Med 1991;21: Csikszentmihalyi M Flow: the psychology of happiness London: Rider, 1992 Goleman D Emotional intelligence: why it can matter more than IQ London: Bloomsbury, 1996
relationships & mood: importance Barnett PA et al Psychosocial functioning & depression: distinguishing among antecedents, concomitants, & consequences Psychol Bull 1988;104: research review on connection between depression & social support, attributional style, personality, dysfunctional attitudes, marital distress and coping style little evidence of cognitive vulnerability to depression marital distress and low social integration seem to be involved in the aetiology of depression
toxic to interpersonal competence Rodgers B Reported parental behaviour and adult affective symptoms 1. Associations and moderating factors & 2. Mediating factors Psychol Med 1996;26:51-61 & childhood “affectionless control” adult psychological suffering toxic to inter- personal competence
adult relationships can heal high quality relationships in adulthood can heal the negative effects on mood of earlier poor quality parenting conversely poor quality adult relation- ships can damage mood despite high quality parenting during childhood there is a danger too that poor parenting is a bit more likely to be associated with poor adult relationships because of damage to interpersonal competence Hickie I et al Perceived dysfunctional intimate relationships: a specific association with non-melancholic depressive subtype J Affect Disord 1990;19: Palosaari UK et al Parental divorce, self-esteem & depression: an intimate relation- ship as a protective factor in young adulthood J Affect Disord 1995;35:91-6
what keeps us afloat on life’s voyage! the construction materials - genetics, aptitudes how the boat was built - early life experiences major events on the voyage - significant life events the other boats around us - social support, relationships quality of our seamanship - appropriate coping skills if some areas are weak it’s all the more important to be strong in the others