Office of Research, Demonstration, and Innovation AASHTO SCOPT / MTAP Winter Meeting Jamie Pfister Deputy Associate Administrator for Research December 3, 2015
Agenda FTA Research Office overview Program highlights Good afternoon – we are excited to be here today to share a little glimpse of who TRI is, what we do, how we do it, and also see how we can help you in your role as a regional or FTA planner. You will also get to hear about some upcoming exciting research projects and we will conclude with several resources that you should be aware of – through programs that TRI manages.
FTA Research under MAP-21 Administer Sections 5312, 5313, 5318, and 5322 programs. Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment (49 U.S.C. 5312) ($30 M) Low-No Vehicle Deployment Program ($22.5M) Transit Cooperative Research Program (49 U.S.C. 5313) ($3M) Bus Testing Program (49 U.S.C. 5318) ($3M) Human Resources and Training (49 U.S.C. 5322) Innovative Public Transportation Workforce Development Program ($500K) National Transit Institute ($5M) Provide national leadership and strategic planning of transit research programs. Coordinate research dissemination and sharing information. Serve as liaison and research coordinating body for FTA with OST and other modal research offices. TRI is the lead office for these programs - in MAP-21; explain the funding for the programs, both past and present. Will explain what results in a grant program that they may see as an FTA planner Discuss the role we play with industry and across the modes
Research better business practice Research Role: Proof of Concept (R&D) Demonstrations Deployment Technical Assistance, Technology Transfer, & Standards (TTS) Evaluation Infrastructure Traveler FTA Research Operators What we do – our research supports multiple stakeholder needs and through the various phases of research – we are able to support these entities, ultimately enhancing public transportation – whether it is asset mgt, the safety and mobility of travelers, or delivery of service. How we accomplish this – Research role and through our 3 offices – and partnerships with industry and academia Risk takers – R&D, funding demonstrations, MSAA, RtW, Formula grant (LoNo, moved to bus and bus facility program, in Senate proposal, DRIVE, maintainstreaming it). Capital expense…. BRT
2-year “Research Business Plan” Improving Safety Promoting Energy Efficiency – Asset Management and Asset Innovation Enhancing Mobility Short-term authorization Internal effort – Fall of 2014; presented at policy council April 2015 ; guided the research program plan call that TBP conducts to allocate the limited research dollars Embark on longer-term strategic plan during FY 2016 Pleased that FTA’s discretionary research funds will go to support these 3 critical areas – McMillan approved $17M for these 3 areas. (Feel free to elaborate on any of these) These will be our centerpiece areas where we will be investing research dollars 1. Improving Safety Data and Standards Development Close Call Reporting Demonstrations Bike/Ped Guidebook II. Promoting Energy Efficiency – Asset Management and Asset Innovation Zero Emission Bus Research Electric Bus Market Study Fuel Cell and Lo-No Program Evaluations III. Enhancing Mobility Mobility on Demand: Research, ConOps, Big Data, Showcases/Demos Accessible Transportation Technology Research Initiative (ATTRI)
SAFETY We also are funding Data Collect and Standards works – and planning to have a Close Call Demonstration Program – working closely with TSO for these new FY 15 projects.
Safety, Resiliency, and All-Hazards Emergency Response and Recovery (SRER) BART Improving track worker safety to prevent accidents involving trains and track workers MARTA Install and demonstrate Bombardier's TrackSafe system on six miles of rail system to improve track worker safety and reduce hazards associated with track inspection, maintenance and repair. Innovative Safety, Resiliency, and All-Hazards Emergency Response and Recovery program (SRER) Projects selected under this research area will develop and demonstrate new or substantially-improved, technologies, methods, practices and techniques that will increase the operational safety of public transportation services and reduce the risk of transit-related injuries and fatalities. According to FTA statistics, between 2003 and 2008, 53% of reported rail transit worker fatalities were right-of-way related incidents. The Bombardier/MARTA demonstration project, featuring Bombardier’s leading-edge TrackSafe technology, was chosen among eight proposals submitted to the FTA. Track workers need advance warning of an approaching train, and train operators require advance warning of workers’ presence. TrackSafe is a Bombardier turnkey solution that creates improved location awareness for track workers and train operators through the use of Radio Frequency Identification and other advanced technologies. TrackSafe offers an additional element of protection by providing highly relevant alerts to track workers and train operators in real time. “Bombardier’s TrackSafe solution reduces the hazards associated with track level inspections and maintenance,” said Matt Byrne, Vice President, Services Business Unit for Bombardier Transportation North America. “We are glad that the FTA has approved our project and are honored that MARTA has agreed to partner with Bombardier. Like us, they are strongly committed to the safety of track workers. We look forward to demonstrating the advantages of our cutting-edge TrackSafe technology.”
SRER: Resiliency Minnesota Valley Transit Authority will equip select buses with GPS-based technology to improve safety and bus service within narrow shoulder lanes along highly congested corridors in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. MTA demonstrating an automated, data-based information collection system to measure and monitor the condition of subway railcar wheels and rail infrastructure. Projects selected under this area will identify, develop, and demonstrate technologies, methods, practices and techniques for increasing the resiliency of public transportation systems to natural disasters and other emergencies that result from an external cause. Minnesota Valley Transit Authority will equip select buses with GPS-based technology to improve safety and bus service within narrow shoulder lanes along highly congested corridors in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. The technology will provide lane keeping information, lane departure warnings, and collision avoidance advisories to bus operators in various weather and road conditions. MTA demonstrating an automated, data-based information collection system to measure and monitor the condition of subway railcar wheels and rail infrastructure to enhance safety, increase energy efficiency, and ensure reliable subway service. The system will be tested on MTA's Flushing (#7) Line.
Low and No Emissions Vehicle Deployment (LoNo) Bus Efficiency Enhancements Research and Demonstration (BEERD) Bus Testing NPRM Zero emissions bus evaluation
FTA Mobility on Demand (MOD) Program FTA’s long term strategic vision for a multimodal, integrated and connected transportation system. A concept that imagines mobility as a commodity and a service. Conceptual Notions of MOD: Promotes choice in personal mobility Leverages emerging and existing technologies & big data capabilities Encourages multimodal connectivity & system interoperability Promotes new business models that improve service quality A New Transit Multimodal Mobility Concept What is FTA in the MOD space? multi-modal, traveler-centric, encourages connectivity and interoperability, and leverages emerging tech to solve existing challenges – NOT defined by technology. Ties effort to Secretarial priorities of Beyond Traffic and anchors its implementation as complementary to the broader USDOT / JPO context. How we implement this is through the Sandbox – demonstrations to showcase various transit / MOD partnerships and models. We will have held a discussion session earlier in the week to solicit input from TRB annual meeting attendees about how the Sandbox might be most effective. Share some insights from that session. One key constituency we are seeking to serve with Mobility solutions is those seeking to access Healthcare / Wellness . . . transition to R2W. FTA is developing a program that helps promote and evaluate different mobility concepts and partnerships. We want to provide a space where integrated MOD concepts and solutions are supported through local partnerships and demonstrated out there in the real world, We’re notionally calling the concept a “Sandbox” because we see the program providing a safe place as well as the funding to demonstrate and prove MOD practices and services. We want this to be an opportunity for transit agencies to work with and gain experience with TNCs, with “microtransit” providers such as BRIDJ and fare integrators Globe Sherpa as well as Bikeshare providers within a public transportation environment. (Change Slide)
Guiding Principles of MOD Vision System Integration Integration (data exchange, common user interface)of existing MOD products and services; development of new will be considered Partnership Driven Demonstrated partnerships, public and private, evidence of commitment to support MOD both technically and institutionally Innovative Business Model Focused Innovative Business models where individually proven products can partners to collectively deliver better service to travelers Equity of Service Delivery Demonstrate and promote the unique role transit holds in providing equitable service for all potential travelers System Integration – the MOD Sandbox program will orient itself on integration (e.g., data exchange, common user interface, etc.) of existing MOD products and services that have been individually proven. Development of new MOD products and services may be considered as well, with appropriate background documentation. Partnership Driven – participation in the MOD Sandbox will be offered only to those proposals with demonstrated partnerships (from both public and private sectors) and strong evidence of commitment from all partners to support the proposed MOD arrangement both technically and institutionally. Innovative Business Model Focused – the MOD Sandbox aims to encourage innovative business models where individually proven products can partner to collectively deliver better service to travelers while individually benefitting from such partnership. Equity of Service Delivery – MOD Sandbox proposals will demonstrate and promote the unique role transit holds in providing equitable service for all potential travelers. Proposals will describe how at-risk communities such as low income, the aging population and persons with disabilities will participate in new MOD service provision models. What has or will FTA learned from JARC, VTCLI, MSAA, and “Rides to Wellness” to create an integrated, seamless “Rides to Life” service approach and model through MOD? (Change Slide)
MOD Sandbox Strategy Rolling solicitation – to effectively navigate in the MOD space where innovative mobility concepts, technologies and service models are emerging almost every day, TRI recommends a program approach that supports a “rolling proposal process”, which would allow FTA to review and select project application submissions on a regular basis, subject to funding availability. Full and Open Competition – With local transit agencies serving as leads in the proposed project partnerships, FTA would review and select all MOD Sandbox applications on a full and open competition basis, based on a set of predetermined and published selection criteria. MOD SANDBOX STRATEGY and OBJECTIVES Enhance transit industry awareness and readiness for MOD. Validate institutional and technical feasibility of integrated MOD (evaluate varying and/or increasing degrees of integration as well as different partnerships arrangements over time) and document best MOD practices. Measure MOD impacts using defined MOD performance metrics (to be developed). Examine public sector and federal rules, requirements, regulations and policies that support (or hinder) transit sector adoption and participation in MOD.
Challenges and Opportunities First/Last Mile Solutions Paratransit/Demand Response Services Integrated Fare Payment Trip planning Open Data/Data Sharing Land Use and/or Service Planning Equity and accessibility Evolving definition of Public Transportation? Performance Metrics (e.g., Ridership) “The 3 Rs” – Rules, Requirements and Regulations TRB-FTA will conduct a listening session, an open discussion on topics such as how can transit agencies work with shared use providers – what are the most important service challenges to address first – how do we identify and work with federal requirements that might hinder the adoption of this new service model? riding public. ADA, navigating procurement policies, data standards, need technology procurement advice .. These are just some of the ones that FTA will try to address in the upcoming discussions. FTA would like to issue the Notice of Funding Availability for the MOD Sandbox some time in the coming SPRING.
Health & Transportation Nat’l Academies, TRB & IOM – Rides to Wellness research USDOT H&T staff-level work group USDOT - CDC Health & Transportation Tool
TCRP 2016 Quantifying Return on Investment of Transit State of Good Repair Investments Improving the Health and Safety of the Transit Workforce with Corresponding Impacts on the Bottom Line, Phase I: Safety and Health Impacts of Limited Restroom Access for Transit Operators Development of Open Data Standards for Demand Responsive Transportation Transactions Synthesis: Best Practices in Coordination of Intercity Bus and Public Transit Under $5M scenario Improving the health and safety of the transit workforce w/ corresponding impacts on the bottom line, phase II Research and testing aimed at eliminating electrical fires on buses and train Transportation to dialysis centers Comp guide to Title VI indicators for transit
FTA at TRB Monday,1:30pm – 3:15pm “New Federal transit safety requirements and FTA’s path to Safety Management Systems (SMS) Implementation” (Tom Littleton, moderator) Tuesday,10:15 am - noon “FTA Priorities for Workforce Development” (Carolyn Flowers, moderator) Tuesday, 1:30-4:00pm Listening session: FTA Safety at USDOT Tuesday, 2-3:30pm Listening session: Mobility on Demand Sandbox Wednesday,10:15 am - noon “Riding the Emerging Mobility Waves – Federal Transit Administration Priorities from Rides to Wellness to Mobility on Demand” (Therese McMillan, moderator)