Module 1: Developing 21 st Century Skills Module 2: Learning Computer Basics and the Internet Module 3: Fostering Critical Thinking and Collaboration Module 4: Discovering Word Processing
MODULE 3 Module 3: Fostering Critical Thinking and Collaboration Preview: In this module, we will discuss: how to engage students in higher-order thinking. how to promote collaboration the 4-step cycle: Planning, Doing, Sharing and Reviewing
MODULE 3 Pair and Share: Reflecting on M2 1. How might you use technology such as computers to communicate, to solve problems, and to collect, organize, and share information in your classroom? 2. What specific Internet resources might you use to enhance your productivity and professional practices? How do you intend to use such resources??
MODULE 3 Exercise 1: Engaging in Higher-Order Thinking A useful structure in which to categorize questions Goes from simplest to the most complex Knowledge serves as the foundation upon which all other levels build. Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge Bloom’s Taxonomy of Thinking Skills
MODULE 3 Thinking Models Many models exists to help educators & researchers Identify & categorize thinking skills Blooms Taxonomy Marzano’s Dimensions of Learning Costa & Kallicks’ 16 habits of Minds Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence
MODULE 3 Categorizes thinking into hierarchical fashion. It represents sequence of progressive contextualization of the material Successful learning is based on five dimensions of learning 5 dimensions don not exist in isolation Do not show a progressive linear pattern of accomplishment Model of thinking skills, incorporating a wide range of factors affecting learning Gardner categorized intelligence into nine areas, and it is mixture of several abilities His theory suggests that every human in intelligent in a different way It expands teaching/learning tools beyond conventional & logical methods used in schools “Knowing how to behave when you don’t know the answer” or habits required to meet challenging conditions Behaviors are not performed in isolation but in clusters 16 habits of mind is how people display their intelligence BloomsMarzono’sHoward Gardner Costa & Kallick’s
MODULE 3 Exercise 1: Engaging in Higher- Order Thinking Activity: Top Discoveries and Inventions: Steps 1- 5 on pp
MODULE 3 Exercise 2: Promoting Collaboration 3 ways of achieving learning goals: Competitively: students work against each other to see who is best or fastest at achieving a goal that only one or a few can attain Individualistically: students work alone to accomplish goals unrelated to others Cooperatively: students work together to achieve shared goals What might be the advantages and disadvantages of each way of achieving learning goals? Is there one way you might prefer to accomplish your learning goals? Why or why not? P 37
MODULE 3 Exercise 2: Promoting Collaboration Forming Collaborative Groups or Pairs Collaborative groups or pairs can be formed in many ways: By students themselves based on friendships or interests By random assignment By the teacher What might be the advantages and disadvantages of each way? Is there one way you might prefer to form groups or pairs? Why? P 37
MODULE 3 Exercise 2: Promoting Collaboration Facilitating Collaboration When students are collaborating and working together, teachers should ensure that: All group members participate and feel included. All group members agree to their goals and their plans for making their product. All groups members work on their assigned parts to complete their product. All group members review their work together to see how to make it better. All group members talk about their work and help each other as they go along. P 38
MODULE 3 Exercise 2: Promoting Collaboration 1. A student refuses to work with a partner or in a group. 2.No one wants to work with a specific student. 5. One student does not respect or listen to the ideas of a partner or other group members. 3. One student is shy and does not want to speak. 4.One student does not let a partner or other group members share the computer. Solutions?
MODULE 3 Exercise 3: Planning, Doing, Reviewing, and Sharing Learning what you are being asked to do or solve. -Draw a quick picture on a sheet of paper detailing your plan Follow your plan and complete what you have been asked to do or solve. Go back and closely look over the product that you created Showing colleagues the work you have done on the computer
MODULE 3 Take-Home Exercise: Reflecting on Module 3 What can you do in your classroom to promote higher-order analysis, synthesis, and evaluation? What opportunities exist in your classroom for students to collaborate with one another? P 42
MODULE 3 Module 3 Summary Step 1: What did you accomplish in this module? Step 2: What are the key points addressed in this module? List your ideas and those of others as directed on the lines on page 41. Step 3: Ask any questions and share any comments. Learn about and prepare for Module 4: Discovering Word Processing. P 43 Module 2Module 1Module 4