Bernd Haas 14 March 1958 – 4 October 2015
Replacement of FMDV cattle tongue titration by in-vitro titration Aldo Dekker
Introduction Standardisation FMD challenge tests ● Passage in cattle ● Uniform challenge dose ● OIE manual and European Pharmacopoeia ● cattle ID 50 ● Historically selected Can we replace tongue titration by in-vitro titration
Titration in cattle tongue: overlap between both cows
Cattle tongue titration : reading at 48 hours
Cattle tongue titration: result example
Dataset 27 viruses tested (24 strains) ● A, O, C, Asia-1 and SAT-2 ● Most viruses only tested once ● One strain two different passages tested ● A few similar strains tested for different commercial companies 28 experiments 57 cattle used 1197 observations (injection sites) Titre on primary cells Min.1st Qu.MedianMean3rd Qu.Max
Virus titre on primary cells Mostly similar titres!
Overall results
Statistical analysis Logistic regression Fraction positive is the result variable Explanatory ● Titre injected ● Dilution ● Virus ● Strain ● Serotype ● animal
Normal logistic regression Forward regression Titre injected: First explanatory variable ● Overall 1.3 log 10 PFU injected produces a lesion in 50% of the case Best model: Titre injected + animal ● So significant animal effect ● No strain effect ● Are observations within one animal independent?
Best fitting model: Titre injected + animal Each animal Same slope Different 50% point Virus tested not relevant Average titre difference 50% point 0.96 log 10 PFU for both cows in one experiment
Huge difference between cows in same exp. Cows with 0% or 100% response were removed
Independent observations in one cow? Observations in one cow are dependent Model with cow as random variable dilution and original titre are best explanatory variable (is similar to titre injected) Not possible to detect strain differences as no cattle were injected with two strains
We can replace cattle tongue titration Huge variation in sensitivity between animals ● Due to variation in animals ● Due to difference in sensitivity of different parts of the tongue ● Due to experimental error No significant explanation by virus, strain or serotype in the observed results One study with three vaccines (A, O and C) tested with 10, and bovine ID 50 (terré et al. 1972) ● Potency was the same
Relation between cattle ID 50 and infection 98% probability for vesicle formation at each injection site using ID 50
Relation between cattle ID 50 and infection Injection at two sites Probability of infection of cow higher (red line) 90% at 10 ID 50 98% at 100 ID 50 99.7% at 1000 ID 50 99.9% at ID 50
Conclusion Challenge result is not very sensitive to amount of virus Huge variation in response between cattle Titration in cattle tongue is not necessary Proposal: Use 10 5 TCID 50 or PFU for challenge at 2 or more sites.