2 A Private Investigator Using Dragon “I own a private investigation company and the largest percentage of our business comes from Nursing Home Litigation. We travel around several states and locate and interview witnesses. There are many witnesses in each case to locate and interview. At one time we dictated our interviews into a digital recorder with an MP3 format and sent them to three employees at the office through our laptops, and they would type the individual reports daily. After I discovered how effectively Dragon worked, we slowly started replacing employees with the program when they left the company for various reasons. Now we have cut out the middle man so to speak. We dictate directly into our laptop computers utilizing Dragon and then promptly our work to the client. Our turnaround time and work load has been more than cut in half, and the cost to retain three employees vs. Dragon’s program cost is a no brainer!!!”
3 A Dragon Specialist for the NYPD “For the past 18 years at HPD and the NYPD, working my way through their Personnel, Networking Development, Special Projects and the Systems Development Sections has involved me in a wide spectrum of projects, systems programming, integration and applications development. Some of my major projects there, have included Automated Rollcall Systems at 911 HQ, Prisoner Tracking Systems, Automated Employee Tracking Systems at Police HQ and directing/programming website development for the Training Bureau at the Police Academy. But the most satisfying and rewarding project that I had the fortune to work on at NYPD has been, and still is supporting the needs of disabled employees here at the Department. One happens to be a disabled polio quadriplegican who currently is the Assistant Commissioner for Training and another has severe carpal tunnel syndrome and works for the Police Commissioner. I can honestly say that of all the applications that I've worked with over the years, Dragon NaturallySpeaking is the best of all.”
4 Dragon Customer Dr. Nathan Davis “I have been fortunate to use Dragon NaturallySpeaking since its first iteration and have used it prolifically ever since! Working for a Federal Law Enforcement organization can be challenging to say the least however; a recent survey conduct between two Divisions indicated the very best Dragon has to offer; in the "other" Division where staffing is, shall I say, abundant, the average number of working assignments totaled 3 per person. In my division, there are significantly less personnel however, my load averaged 24 assigned programs with greater averaged hourly productivity than my counterparts! I implemented Dragon for my clerical staff as well and despite a loss of 33% staff, we actually increased productivity by more than 200% (220%). My estimated equal with Dragon is about 3.5 personnel to 1 using this program.”
5 Dragon Customer Brett Eastburn “I first used Dragon NaturallySpeaking for my former job as a undercover store detective. The problem I had was after the local police took the "bad guy" away I had a minimum of thee pages of paperwork explaining every minute of what happened with the apprehension. It was taking me two or three hours to type up a report that was taking other store detectives thirty minutes to do. You could not punch out until all reports were turned in and you were not allowed overtime. So if I stopped a "bad guy" six hours into my shift I was in trouble. With Dragon I could get my report out it in an hour.”